The News

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July 9th. The day my life changed forever.


"Good morning honey" My Mom whispers, leaning over my bed. I flutter my eyelids open and smile at her. She smiles back before walking out. As I sit up in bed, I'm greeted with the cool breeze from outside. I must have forgotten to close my window. I groan and climb out of my warm bed, and over to my huge window. It takes a lot of energy, but eventually I push it shut. I quickly change into some jeans and a black t-shirt, before walking down to the kitchen. "Morning Princess" My Dad greets as I walk into the kitchen. "Hi" I reply, grabbing a yogurt from the fridge and a spoon from the drawer. I glance up and notice my parents exchanging nervous looks. Mom sees my confused face and clears her throat, "Honey we need you to come home as soon as you can today" She informs me, sounding nervous. "What's going on?" I ask, looking at my parents. She sighs, then forces a smile. "Don't worry about it, we just need to discuss a few things" She adds, making me even more worried. Before I can say anything she tells me to get ready for school.

About 20 minutes later Mom shouts me from downstairs. I hop into her car and we drive silently to school. I'm about to get out when she grabs my shoulder, and turns me so that I'm facing her. "I love you" She tells me seriously. "I love you too" I reply quickly, hopping out of her car.

"Hey Soph!" Lexi, my best friend calls out to me. I greet her and we walk to our lockers together, which fortunately are next to each other. As the day went on, I found myself getting more and more anxious about my parents. What if they don't want me anymore? What if they're getting a divorce? What if we're moving? The lunchtime bell snaps me out of my thoughts. After putting away my books, I meet some of my friends in the cafeteria.

"Soph are you ok?" My friend Luke asks me. God he can read me like a book. "Fine" I say simply. He stands up and motions for me to follow him. "Sophia what's wrong?" He worries. I roll my eyes. "You know I hate it when you call me Sophia" I groan. "Are you sure you're ok?" He asks, his eyes burning into mine. I sigh. I was about to tell him everything when the bell rings. We both groan. "Message me in class" He orders, before walking off. Sure enough, just as I sit down in history, my phone vibrates. I hide it under the desk and read his message.

from: Luke

so what's really wrong? x

I glance up to check if the teacher was watching then type out my reply.

my parents have been acting strange lately, and they want to talk to me after school.

He read it straight away.

i'm sure it's nothing

I sigh and type a reply.

I hope so.

The rest of the day passed in a blink, and soon enough I found myself walking home. As I got closer to my house, my hands became sweaty. Millions of thoughts and worries crossed my mind. I released a sigh I never knew I was holding onto. "It's now or never" I mumbled to myself as I opened the door. My Mom rushed over to me. "How was your day?" She asks, smiling. "It was ok, but I have heaps of homework" I reply. "Oh you don't need to worry about that" She chuckles, walking into the kitchen. What? I follow behind her and find my dad sitting at the table. Mom takes a seat and ushers me over. "I don't want this to take more than a minute, so I'm going to get down to the point." My dad informs me. I nod. "Your mother and I are getting a divorce" He sighs. 

The room starts spinning and I feel anxiously sick. "WHAT?!" I shout. "Honey it's what's best for us" My Mom said, trying to convince me. "But-" I start. "It's ok, you'll be living with me" My dad replies, cutting me off. "Excuse me? She'll be living with me!" My Mom snaps, before I could say anything. They start arguing and shouting at each other. Suddenly, my Dad slaps my Mom across the cheek. She glances over to me, tears visible in her eyes. "Go upstairs. Now!" She shouts. I run upstairs and slam my bedroom door. I cry into my pillow for what seems like hours. Suddenly there's a knock at my door. I shout a 'come in' and both my parents walk in. I sit up and wipe away my tears. "Honey I'm so sorry" My Mom cries hugging me tightly. My Dad clears his throat and she releases me from the hug, making me feel unsafe once again. "We've decided it would be best if you stayed with your sister for a few months" My dad announced, "Just until everything settles down."

"In Los Angeles?!" I shout. They both nod their heads. "What about my friends!?" I panic. "You're not moving there permanently" My Dad replies. "B-But It's only February...what about the rest of school?" I ask. I honestly didn't care about school I just needed excuses to stay. "Honey we've already arranged everything" My Mom assured me. "You'll finish 9th Grade there"

"So I'm staying for 5 months!?" I shout. They nod their heads again. "But-" I start. "No buts Sophia" My Dad says sternly. I roll my eyes. My Mom pulls me in for another hug, and I cry on her shoulder. "I'll help you pack if you'd like" She offers. "You leave tomorrow" My Dad informs me, walking out of my room. Mom and I chat as we pack my belongings. I don't pack everything, I pack mostly clothes. We finish packing at around 11, so my Mom makes me go to bed. I flop onto my bed and pull out my phone. My flight is at 10am tomorrow so I'm not going to school, meaning I have to tell my friends tonight.

I message Luke, Lexi and a few other people the same message. About a minute later, my phone starts ringing. I check the ID and It reads lexi ♡

"SOPH" She practically yells.

"Hey" I reply.

"You're not really leaving are you?" She asks quietly. I tell her the whole story.

"I'm so sorry" She sobs. "I'm going to miss you so much"

"I'm going to miss you too, but I promise that I'll call you every single day, and 5 months will fly by!" I assure her. We chat for a while before I tell her that I have to go. I answer some other messages before turning my phone off and closing my eyes.

Tomorrow, my life changes forever.


hey y'all I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

I know i've already done a book like this but I didn't like how it ended and I wanted to start a new one. ♡

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