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"I'll be back around 9 babe, and I'm bringing home food" Ariana calls, hastily rushing out the front door. I wait for her to leave, before grabbing my phone and calling Joey. He picks up on the third ring. "Hello?" He asks. "Hey Joey it's Soph, wanna come over? No one's home" I offer. "I'll be there in five" He chuckles, a weird tone in his voice. I hang up and wait for him to arrive, scrolling through my Instagram feed as I waited. About 10 minutes later there's a loud knock on the door and I rush over and unlock it. "Hey" I greet, letting him in. He greets me and I lead him upstairs, into my room. "What do you wanna do?" I ask, sitting down on my bed. "Umm, watch a movie?" He offers, flicking through numerous DVDs that lay scattered around my floor. He picks one up and plays it, turning off the lights and hopping next to me in bed. "What movie?" I ask, turning to face him. He shrugs, and we make eye contact for a second, before his lips crash onto mine. He rolls onto his back and I lay on top of him, grinding my body against his, as he pressed his soft lips against mine. "Joey" I moan, as he begins to remove my shirt, leaving me in just my bra and leggings. He sits up and takes his shirt off, revealing his abs, before laying down again. I leap onto him and kiss him again, running my hands along his chest as I did. "D-do you want to go all the way?" He asks, smirking. I nod gently and begin to undress, as he bit his lip. He did the same and took a condom out of his jeans.

"Sophia I'm home!" Is what wakes me up, about three hours later. I look over to Joey, who's eyes are almost as wide as mine, and race out of bed, throwing on my clothes. "Where do I go?" He whispers, clearly panicking. I hesitate before racing to the bathroom and opening the door, ushering him inside. He nods and runs in, still fully naked, and just as he does, Ariana walks in. "Hello?" She asks, with wide eyes. "What's wrong?" I ask, not knowing if I should panic or not. "Sophia you're half naked" She says bluntly. I gasp and look in the mirror. She's right, I'm wearing just a bra and leggings. "Why?" She laughs, turning to leave. "Oh, and dinners on the table" She adds, shutting the door behind her. Just as she does Joey reappears from the bathroom. "She gone?" He asks, fixing his hair. I nod and throw on my jumper.

Suddenly the door opens and I freeze, knowing I'm dead. "Oh and I got some-" Ariana starts, before she sees Joey and freezes. She doesn't say anything but is smart enough to evaluate this whole situation. "Get. Out" She says simply, pointing to Joey. He nods and throws on his clothes and kisses my cheek, before leaving. Ariana glares at him as he walks out, but then her attention is drawn to me. "This is outrageous" She exclaims, motioning at the condom packet and back up at me. "I'm speechless" I smile a little and look up at her forgivingly. "You think this is funny?!" She shouts, taking a step forward. "It's amusing" I smirk, and she gives me a stern and dirty glare. "You had SEX at 14 and you think it's 'amusing'?!" She mocks, throwing her hands up in despair. I don't answer and she stares at me intently. "What is wrong with you Sophia? I don't get it!" She rants, pacing my room. "I thought the medication would help this!" I sigh. "I'm sorry, I don't know what happened" I apologise, looking down at the carpet. "Sophia this is unacceptable! And you just HAD to fuck the trashiest guy there is" She scoffs. "He's my friend" I defend, and she laughs. "Your friend? More like your little fuck buddy" She mocks. I feel anger seethe through me. "You cant talk" I mumble. "What was that?" She asks, clearly hearing what I had said. "You've had plenty fuck buddies" I repeat, rolling my eyes. "And, you're a slut. At least I stay with one guy" I defend, stepping back. She looks at me with wide eyes and gasps. Suddenly I feel a sharp pain on my left cheek. "Who do you think you are!" She shouts, pulling her hand back. I step forward and slap her harshly across the face, and push her to the ground, letting my anger get the best of me. This is another reason I take my medication. I have anger problems. I slap her again and again, cutting into her skin with my nails, and ignoring her cries for help. I really should stop. Keep going, It's what she deserves. Kill her, she's going to kill you. I pull back my hand, ignoring the temptation and gasp, immediately bursting into tears, and stepping back. What have I done. I look at her fragile body, lying unconscious on the ground, with multiple cuts on her face.


"Ugly bitch!" "Stupid hoe"  Lucy yelled. I ignore her harmful words as much as I can. "Just fucking die, no one would miss you" She called after me. That one got to me. I turned around and sprinted up to her, knocking her to the ground. She screamed for help but I didn't care. I continuously slapped her across the face, and left her unconscious.

"She's a monster!" My Mom yelled, as I listened through the closed kitchen door. "She's going to kill someone!" A tear rolled down my cheek, but I wiped it away. I run upstairs and curled up on my bed, crying my eyes out. A monster. That's all I am.


A monster. That's all I am.


A/N Sorry I haven't updated in forever and sorry that this chapter is so bad. It's got a lot of drama haha. I'm gonna try and update as much as possible, and the holidays are coming up so I'll update as much as I can then too. I hope you guys are enjoying my book(s) and thank you so much for all of the reads! It means the world to me. Love you - Rach ♡

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