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As the plane lands I smile, genuine happiness washing over me. A feeling I haven't felt in a while. I'm flying alone, as Frankie was just driving me to the airport, he's not coming home too. I walk off of the plane, and grab my luggage from the carousel, anxiously looking for Mom. I spot her and run over to her, engulfing her in a tight hug. She squeezes me tightly and kisses my temple, leaving a purple lipstick stain. "I missed you" I stutter, as she stroked my hair, still hugging me tightly. "I missed you more love" she replies. We walk hand in hand to her car, and drive home.

"How have things been with Dad" I ask simply. She looks at me buy returns her eyes to the road quickly. "Better sweetie...better" she replies, sounding unsure. I don't question her and we continue driving home. "I invited Lexi over tonight" Mom states, breaking the silence. "Kay cool" I reply quietly, looking out the window. I've missed it here. We approach my home and I smile happily. Mom helps me get my stuff inside and I follow her upstairs. Something feels different with the house. It feels empty. Mom helps me unpack my stuff, as there's a lot of clothes. "So" she starts, hanging up my Nike sweater. "Why did you want to come home?" She asks seriously. I sigh. "I...I didn't like it. I hated school, and everything just wasn't working" I explain, not being very specific. She just sighs, and looks at me with a sad expression. "Ed doesn't know you're here, and I'd prefer to keep it that way" I furrow my brows. "Dad can't know I'm here?" I repeat, raising my voice. "No" she replies bluntly, crossing her arms. "I get that you and Dad hate each other but he's MY dad!" I argue, waving my hands in frustration. "You're only to see him once a month then" she decides sternly. I roll my eyes. "I'll see him whenever I want to see him" I reply cheekily. She tilts her head and gives me a look. "You will not!" She shouts, shutting me down.

A couple of hours later there's a knock at the door. I run to the door and open it, grinning at my best friend. I engulf her in a hug and she starts to cry. "You don't even know how much I've missed you" she sobs, her face buried into my shoulder. "I've missed you too" I smile. I take her into my room and I tell her all about Los Angeles. I cant tell if she's genuinely interested, or just being polite, but she seems to listen to every single word. But what surprises me the most is her stories. It seems like after I left, our school has got worse and worse. "Luke moved to Texas, and they got rid of the hockey team" She informs me, eating a slice of pizza. "What?!" I exclaim, surprised. She nods her head and I frown. We put on a movie, but it just isn't the same. I know I've only just met Lexi after being away for a while, but she isn't acting like she did before. Suddenly my phone buzzes and I smile at the ID.
how was the flight lovey? miss you lots n lots / say hi to mama for me x
To: Ari 💕
I miss you too, and the flight was fine x
love you 😌💘
To: Ari💕
Love you too x
I really miss Ari. I also miss her hugs, and I could do with one right now. Lexi leaves an hour later, and honestly, I couldn't be happier. Her personality has changed a whole lot, and I don't know if I like it. I change into my pyjamas and walk over to bed, smiling at my smashed alarm clock, that still lay broken on the ground. I ignore it once again, and kick all of the empty bags off of my bed and crawl under the covers. I'm glad to be home. But something doesn't seem right. It doesn't feel like home, it just feels like a house.

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