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Sorry for not updating much, I've been so busy. I'm really happy at the moment, and I'm so thankful for everything and everyone I have in my life. I didn't update for a while as I was under stress and wasn't really the happiest, but I should be active now hence I'm on holiday & v v happy :)

Sophia's POV
A few hours after midnight, I stumble inside, my head throbbing. I walk through into the living room to find Ariana with Jai and Luke. As they see me in the doorway their heads snap towards me, and I notice worried expressions painted across their faces. "Sophia" Ariana states calmly. I didn't expect her to be so calm about this whole situation. But sure enough, she wasn't. "We've been looking for you for the past 6 hours!" She shouts, motioning to the boys beside her. I dizzily walk over to her, and sit down, missing the sofa and landing on the ground with a thud. The boys hide grins, while Ariana raises her eyebrows, an unreadable expression on her face. "Oh goodness" she mumbles.
I wake up in my bed, and the first thing I see is Ariana sitting on my bed, staring at me with her arms folded. "Good morning" I say simply, sitting up. I winse in pain as my head begins to throb once again. "Young lady, where were you and what did you do last night?" Ariana asks sternly, handing me a glass of water. "Umm I don't really remember" I admit, "I think I was just at the park?" I lie. I notice her expression changing. "Oh were you?" She asks, smirking. She holds out her phone, which is playing a video of me taking numerous shots with Joey. "I-I don't even remember that" I admit. She raises an eyebrow. "I just remember kissing him."

"Well you're grounded, and I want your phone and laptop please" She orders, crossing her arms once again. "What!" I ask loudly. "Sophia Grande I would like your laptop and phone please" She repeats sternly, holding out her hand. I groan and place my devices into her arms and flop back into bed.
"Oi Jai, she got totally pissed last night and she's hungover as!" Luke laughs, waking me up. I open my eyes and see them standing talking at the foot of my bed. They don't see me so I close my eyes again. "Guys what are you doing?" I hear Ariana whispering from the doorway. "Nothing we're just having a laugh" Jai smiles. "Well I'd appreciate if you 'had a laugh' outside my hungover sisters room please" She smiles, ushering them out and shutting the door.
She doesn't leave my room and flops onto my bed beside me. I pretend to naturally wake up and she smiles. "Feeling any better?" She asks sweetly, sitting up in bed. I copy her actions and nod. "Yep, chuck me another beer" I joke, and she ruffles my hair. "I love you baby sis" She grins. "I love you too Ari" I reply, hugging her tightly.

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