Settling In

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I'm just about finished putting my clothes away when my phone vibrates. I pick it up and smile at the notification.

From: Lexi

i miss you already! come home soon xx

After replying, I throw my phone onto my bed, and decide to go and find Ariana. I walk down the stairs, and into the huge kitchen, sitting down at the table with my chin in the palm of my hand. I miss Florida already, I already hate living here. "Hey love, have you finished unpacking?" Ariana asks from behind me, making me jump. "Um.. yeah" I reply, hardly listening. I hear her soft footsteps approach me, and she sits down in the chair next to me. I turn my body so that I'm facing her, and give her a weak smile. "I just want you to know that we're all proud of you for going through with all of this" She smiles, revealing her straight white teeth. I just nod. She sighs at my moodiness but quickly begins smiling again. "So do you want to watch a movie?" She offers, playing with her hair. "Yes please" I accept, standing up from my chair. She copies my actions and leads me up to the theatre. She flicks through numerous movies but we final settle on 'Bruce Almighty'.

The movie was good, but Ariana falling into fits of laughter every five minutes made it ten times funnier. By the time it was over, I was nearly asleep. I notice Ariana walking over to me so I close my eyes and pretend I'm in a deep sleep. "Are you asleep?" Ariana whispers into my ear, causing me to giggle. I'm a terrible actress. I flutter my eyes open and see Ariana on the floor, mimicking my terrible acting skills. I laugh at her childish behaviour and lie on the floor next to her, and she pulls me in for a hug. We lie there for a moment, before I ask her what the time is. "It's 1 in the afternoon" She replies, glancing down at her phone. I'm about to get up when she grabs my hand, "Wait wait, we look so cute, I just have to take a photo!" She exclaims, opening up snapchat. I lean my head on her shoulder and she takes the photo. I must admit, it was a cute picture. She adds it to her story and turns her phone back off.

"Ari?" I say quietly. "Yes babe" She smiles. "When do I have to go to school?" I ask, looking concerned. "Next week. I wanted you to settle in before rushing off to school" She smiles, noticing the concerned look on my face. I don't reply and we fall into silence. "I've invited some of my dancers over tonight so you can meet them!" Ariana implies, breaking the silence. "Sounds good" I agree unenthusiastically. I'm too busy worrying about my new school to listen. "Oh, and Frankie said he might stop by" She added, causing me to jolt up from the ground. "FRANKIE'S COMING OVER!?" I practically scream in excitement. "Yes he is!" Ariana chuckles. I haven't seen Frankie for ages. I miss how he used to make me smile by just being there. I cant wait to see him.


"Sophia, they'll be here any minute go and get changed!" Ariana shouts from the kitchen. "Sure! But don't call me Sophia!" I shout back. I hate it when people use my full name. I prefer 'Sophie' or even just 'Soph'. People normally call me Sophia when I'm getting into trouble. Like my parents. They always call me Sophia. "Are you dressed yet?!" She shouts again, snapping me out of my thoughts. I walk over to my enormous closet, which currently was only half full, and pull out some ripped jeans and a plain black crop top. I put on my converses and brush my long brown hair. Just as I do the doorbell rings, and I hear Ariana's heels click on the marble floor as she rushes over to open the door. "Ari!" A familiar voice sings. Frankie! I run out of my room and down the staircase, following Frankie's voice. "Frankie!" I greet enthusiastically as I run into his open arms. "How is my little Sophia?" He beams, picking me up and twirling me around. The doorbell rings again and Ariana totters off to let her friends in as I catch up with Frankie.

"Soph!" Ariana calls, trying to get my attention. I look around and see her standing next to some of her dancers. I recognise some of them from her performances. "Meet Brian, Scott, Max, Ricky, and Chris" She says, pointing to each one. "Nice to meet you I'm Sophia, but I'd prefer to be called Soph" I introduce. Brian walks over and pulls me in for a hug. "Nice to meet you Soph. You and Ari look so alike!" He says in amazement. Everyone laughs and proceeds to sit on the couch.  As the night goes on I notice Ariana getting awful close with Ricky. For example, she would sit on his lap and have private conversations with him, or they'd feed each other food. I don't say anything but I don't know why she'd fall for him! She could do better.

Everyone clears out at about 12 in the morning. We say our goodbyes then Ariana makes me help her clean up. "So Ari, are you gonna spill the tea?" I smirk, putting a plate in the dishwasher. "I don't know what you are talking about" She lies, furrowing her eyebrows. I roll my eyes. "Do you have a crush on Ricky?" I ask, smirking again. "No! Of course not Sophia!" She protests, blushing. "I hate it when you call me Sophia" I groan. "I know" She smiles. "But it shut you up didn't it?"

"Come on lets go to bed, It's late" Ariana instructs, switching the kitchen lights off, followed by the theatre lights. I nod my head and yawn. "Good night Ari!" I sing as I walk up the stairs. "Good night my love" She replies, picking up Toulouse. I enter my room and change into my pyjamas, before flopping onto my big bed.

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