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I wake up to 3 gentle taps on my shoulder. My eyes adjust and I'm staring at a total stranger. I give her a confused look, and she tells me that the plane's about to land. Then I remember. I'm in Los Angeles, I'm about to see Ariana. Suddenly a rush of energy hits me and I sit up, packing my stuff into my bag, and waiting anxiously for the plane to land. I rush into the airport and pick up my bags, not wasting a second. Outside the airport there are lines of Taxis, so I run to the nearest one and open the door, grasping the drivers attention. "C-can you take me here" I ask, handing him a sheet of paper with Ariana's address on it. He nods and I load my bags into the trunk, hopping into the passenger seat. As we're driving home I start to think about what I'm actually doing. Ariana doesn't expect me, and Mom doesn't even know I'm here. I calm myself and steady my breathing as we approach Ariana's huge house. "Thank you" I smile, handing the driver money, and grabbing my stuff.

My palms become sweaty as I get closer to the front door. I look through the window, trying to see if Ariana is inside or not, but what I see shocks me. Ariana is sitting on the couch, kissing none other than Ricky. Anger seethes through me. Why would she continue to date Ricky after what he did to me. Because she doesn't care about you. She doesn't love you. Oh great, the voice is back too. I fall to my knees and cry harder than I have in a while. Why did I think this was a good idea? I must have been making a lot of noise because out of no where, the front door opens, and I'm faced with my sister. "S-sophia?" She stutters, lost for words. I don't say anything. "SOPHIA!" She exclaims, running over to me. I push her away and back off slightly. "N-no" I stumble. She tilts her head a little. "What's wrong? Please come in" She smiles, gesturing to the open door. I shake my head, and she looks at me with sad eyes, wanting an answer. "I can't believe you" I sigh quietly, with my head down. She walks over to me and places a hand on my shoulder. "Soph love, what's wrong" She asks, concern evident in her voice. "You're still with Ricky!" I shout, shaking her arm off. She furrows her eyebrows. "No I'm not! Soph I haven't talked to him since you left" She replies. I glance through the window once again, but sure enough he's no where to be seen. Did I just imagine it? I look her in the eye, and wrap my arms around her petite figure, hugging her tightly. "I'm sorry, I-I don't know why I said that" I sigh, burrowing my head into her chest. She kisses my temples and tells me that everything is ok, picking up my bags for me and carrying me inside, just like she did all those months ago.

We walk inside and I follow her through to the living room, sitting down on the sofa. She stares at me intently, making me a little uncomfortable. "Everything ok?" I ask, wanting to know why she was staring at me. She does a little nod. "How" She asks. "How did you turn up at my door" I giggle a little. "I missed my sister. I missed my friends. I missed everything here. Boca is hell Ari. Mom is depressed, I can't see Dad, my friends aren't the same. No one listens to me there. I love it here, and I missed it, I really did" I inform her, crying a little, She wipes my tears with her jumper sleeve and cuddles into me. "I love you sunshine" She smiles, kissing my head numerous times. Our moment is ruined when my phone rings. I groan and pick it up, not bothering to read the ID. "Hello?" I ask. "Sophia Butera-Grande, explain yourself right this instant" My mother booms through the phone. My eyes widen and I'm lost for words. Ariana must have heard her, because she takes my phone off of me, and starts talking to Mom, ushering me upstairs so she can talk in private.

I obediently go upstairs, and into my old room. I smile the second I enter, happiness washing onto me. It was exactly how I had left it. I flop onto my bed, realising how tired I am, and wait for Ariana to finish talking to Mom. About an hour later she walks in, not even knocking. "She didn't know you were here!" She yells, throwing her hands up in shock. "Oh" Is all I can say. "But I managed to concern her to let you stay" She smiles, sitting next to me. "Thank you Ari!" I grin, tackling her into a tight hug, which makes her squeal. "I'm so glad you came home" She whispers into my ear. Home. I am finally home.


More drama is on the way! Sorry about being so inactive, I've been so busy lately. Literally just as I wrote this, daniel chinchilla liked my comment on instagram omg. enjoy! 💕

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