I promise

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At about ten past 7, there's a firm knock on the front door. Ariana rushes through, she's been panicking because Jai was late. "Luke's looking after you-ill be back soon!" She shouts, running frantically to the door in her heels. I just laugh, amused at her actions. "Yo yo yo" someone calls, which I immediately assume is Luke. He walks into the kitchen and sits down next to me. "I don't know if you remember me but I remember you" he starts, making me laugh. "Yeah I think I do" I laugh, "you're Luke, Jai's brother" He over exaggerates a shocked expression, making me laugh again. We fall into silence for a bit before he grabs my hand and pulls me upstairs. "W-Where are we going?" I ask, feeling a little uncomfortable. "I'm bored, so I want to watch a movie" He laughs, dragging me into the theatre.

We flick through movies but he denies almost all of them. I sigh in frustration and he laughs. "Let's watch Annabelle" He suggests, grinning like usual. "No way!" I decline, with wide eyes. He ignores me and puts it in the DVD player. "Luke seriously" I protest, standing up. "Hey, it'll be fun. Lets sit over here, it's not even scary" He persuades, leading me over to the sofa. I give in and sit next to him, shitting myself as the movie played.


"It wasn't that bad was it?" Luke smiles after the movie had ended. I look up at him with wide eyes, and shake my head slowly. "L-Luke that was terrifying" I admit, curled up in a ball. He doesn't answer for a second. "WHAT'S THAT?!" He shouts suddenly, making me scream. Suddenly a pair of hands wrap around my mouth and pull me to the ground. I try to scream and end up loosing my breath very quickly. They take their hands off and I gasp for air. I look up and see Luke and Jai laughing and high fiving, which pisses me off. "What. The. Fuck" I pant, gasping for air. I climb up from the ground and walk out, being closely followed by Luke, who was looking apologetic. "I'm sorry Soph" he apologises, frowning. I smile, "it's ok, but you scared the shit out of me" I laugh. "Profanity!" He screeches, mocking Ariana, who without us knowing was right behind us. She shoots him a dirty look and we burst out laughing.

"Soph babe, you have to go to bed" Ariana calls through, interrupting Luke and I's conversation. "Why?" I sigh, not really wanting to move. "You have school tomorrow, remember?" She informs me, leaning against the doorway. I nod and she tells Jai and Luke to go home. I give Luke a hug and he slaps my ass as a joke, receiving yet another unconvincing look from my sister.

"Ari" I call, after they had left. "Can I talk to you?" "Sure babe I'll be up in a second!" She calls back, from downstairs. I walk to my room and wait patiently for her on the bed. "Hey love, is everything ok?" She asks, a concerned look across her face. I sigh a little and she sits down next to me. "Is it about Luke, because if he touches you again I will fuc-" She rants, but I cut her off. "It's not about Luke" I laugh. "I'm just nervous about school tomorrow. All of my friends will have made new friends, and Joey won't like me like he used to" I open up, sighing in disappointment. She runs her hands along my back, calming me down. "Honey everything is going to be okay" She smiles reassuringly. "It's just your anxiety"

Suddenly she gasps. "Your pills! I forgot to give you them!" She exclaims, rushing out of my room, and hastily running downstairs to the kitchen. She returns with her handbag and starts taking through it, throwing random things everywhere. "Here!" She exclaims, handing me a small white packet. "Now take one okay?" She smiles, handing me a glass of water, which I presume she got when she was downstairs. I swallow the pill and look at Ariana with sad eyes. I hate being treated special like this. "What's wrong princess?" She asks again, reading my expression. "I'm just...I don't know" I sigh, honestly not knowing what was wrong. She grabs my chin gently and tilts it up, so that I'm facing her eye to eye. "Soph, promise me you won't do anything bad to yourself" she says sternly, but I don't reply. "Sophia Grande Butera, promise me" she repeats, looking me dead in the eye. "I-I promise."

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