Back to School

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I lie in bed for hours, tossing and turning. I don't know why, but I just can't seem to fall asleep. I pull out my phone from underneath my pillow, and decide to message some of my friends. I tell them that I'm back in LA and that I'm coming to school tomorrow. I don't get any replies, probably because it's nearly 2am on a Sunday. I switch off my phone and lie down again, trying to get comfy, but failing miserably. This is going to be a long night.


"Good morning lovey!" Ariana chirps, shaking me gently. I groan and sit up obediently. "What time is it?" I ask groggily, too tired to check for myself. "Just after six" She replies, sitting down on my bed. I groan again. I only got 2 hours of sleep last night. "I'm making you breakfast, so get ready now" Ari informs me, as she walks out of my room, shutting the door behind her so I could change. I sigh and walk over to the closet, picking out a grey cropped sweater, some ripped black jeans and some superstars. After I change an straighten my long hair, I walk over to my vanity and sit down. I apply a natural makeup look, and take my time, making sure everything looks perfect. I smile at the results, and skip downstairs and into the kitchen. "Perfect timing!" Ariana exclaims, handing me a plate with two pancakes on it. I thank her and sit down at the bench. "You look adorable, Miss Sophia" She compliments, smiling. I thank her again and continue eating my breakfast.

"Ready to go?" Ariana calls from downstairs, almost an hour later. I grab my backpack and hop into her car, sill on my phone. "Are you excited?" Ariana asks, grinning. "Yeah I guess" I reply, returning the smile. "I'm nervous too" I add. She looks at me with a forgiving expression and holds out her hand for me to hold. I squeeze it tightly but she doesn't seem to mind, and she starts the engine. We pull up to the familiar school, and my heart starts racing, just like it did on the first day. "I'll see you soon, have the best day babydoll" Ariana smiles, kissing my temple. "Yep, love you" I reply, hopping out of the car. I think she replied but I wasn't really listening. I'm too nervous. "Sophia fucking Grande" a voice calls from beside me. I turn to see none other than Sky. "Sky!" I exclaim, pulling her in for a hug. She squeezes me tightly and cries on my shoulder. "Oh my goodness I've missed you so much!" She cries, jumping up and down. "I've missed you too" I smile, and we walk to homeroom together. As I walk into class I feel everyone's eyes burning onto me, and it goes silent. "Sophia!" People shout, surprised that I'm here. I smile and sit down onto an unoccupied chair, glancing around for Joey. Sure enough he's already here. He's sitting with a group of girls, smoking a fag. I left for just over a month and he's changed this much!? I don't say anything and start talking to Sky again, who is sitting next to me.

"What's up with Joey?" I ask, glancing over at him. "He doesn't hang out with us anymore" she shrugs. "After you left he started acting different" she informs me, shrugging again. I sigh, and take out a pen, playing with it in my hands. "You don't still like him do you?" She asks, loud enough for everyone to hear. Luckily no one does, and I roll my eyes. "No.." I mumble, lying hard. She laughs. "Oh Sophia you really can't act. But honestly he's not worth your attention, look at him!" She exclaims, pointing over to Joey, who was exhaling smoke from his mouth. Wow he really has changed. He's wearing a black bomber jacket, black ripped jeans and sneakers, with a cap. He never would've worn something like that before. "Sophia you're staring" Sky laughs, snapping me out of his thoughts. "N-no I'm not!" I defend, blushing slightly. She just giggles and continues to chat to me about school.


When the bell for 5th period calculus rings, I take my time getting my books from my locker. I really hate that class, so ill just blame it on getting lost. I walk over an unlock my locker, and unlock my phone too, checking all of my messages. Then I grab my books and shut it again. I turn around and suddenly hit someone, dropping my books in fright. "Oh god I'm sorry, I'm such a clutz" I apologise, bending over to pick them up. "A clutz with a good ass" they reply, picking it up for me. I blush slightly and glance up, to be faced with none other than Joey Hamilton.

"Joey!?!" I exclaim, shock rushing through me. He seems just as shocked as I am and his mouth is in an O shape. "S-S-Sophia?!" He stutters, pulling me in for a hug. His strong arms wrap around my waist and I feel butterflies in my stomach. "I missed you so much, when did you even get here?!" He asks, grinning. "I got here the other day" I smile, pulling back from his embrace. The conversation is becoming a little awkward but I don't mind. "I'll see you later?" He asks, starting to walk off in another direction to me. God I don't think I've lost my feelings for him.

Finally the end of the day is here, and I climb into Ariana's jeep. "How was your day sweets?" She asks, driving home quicker than usual. "Fine thanks...Um Ari, why are we going so fast?" I ask. "I have to go to a meeting in like 5 minutes" she explains, sounding pissed off. "When will you be back?" I ask. She hesitates before answering. "Not before 7 sweetie, but I'm bringing dinner" she smiles, giving me a somewhat sympathetic look. I just shoot her a forgiving look. Maybe it's not bad that she's going out tonight, maybe I can invite someone over.

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