Where Is Home?

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Ariana's POV

I miss Sophia so much. Missing her is probably an understatement. I wish she was here right now, so I could give her a big hug, and never let her go. I've been messaging her a lot, but I've resisted myself to once a day. Although I miss her dearly, I know she's happier back in Florida, and that makes me feel better. I haven't talked to Ricky for two whole months. The last time I spoke to him was when Sophia left. I can't ever forgive him, I just can't. Sophia could still be here if it wasn't for him.


I wake up and stretch my arms, yawning loudly. Unplugging my iPhone, I scroll aimlessly through my social media, chuckling to myself as I read my fans tweets. God they sure do know how to raise my mood. I groggily climb out of bed, and downstairs into my marble kitchen. "Hey baby" I giggle in a baby voice, as Toulouse comes running over. I rub his belly and cuddle him gently, before feeding him.

I'm not that hungry, so I decide just to have some strawberries, as they are my favourite. I cut them up and chuck them in a bowl, carrying them over to he bench, and sitting down on a stool.

Sophia's POV

"Soph, wait up!" Lexi yells after me as I quickly get off of the bus. I obediently stop and wait for her, as people pass me. "Are you ready for the chem test?" She asks, scrolling through her phone. "Um, what test?!" I ask, surprised at her question. She giggles and looks up at me. "We have a chemistry test first period, remember?" I shake my head. shit.

( skipping school )

I unlock the front door and creep up the stairs, avoiding my Mom. We're kinda in a fight at the moment. She's refusing to let me visit Dad, which I think is totally unfair. I sit on my bed and turn my attention to my phone, messaging Ariana. I hope I'm not annoying her, as I message her everyday. Recently, I've been thinking hard. Maybe moving back was a bad idea. I miss all of my friends, and most importantly, I miss Ariana. But I can't just leave again, can I? Ariana replies, snapping me out of my thoughts.

Hey angel, how was school? x

I smile at her message, god I really miss her. Just as I reply my Mom walks into my room, looking pissed off. "Hey?" I greet, but it comes out more like a question. She hums and walks over to me, picking up my phone off of the bed. "What're you doing?" I ask, genuinely confused at her actions. She scrolls through my contacts, and my messages before sighing and handing me my phone back. "Just checking" She mumbles, making no sense at all. I raise a brow and she sighs again. "I didn't know if you'd been messaging Dad or not" She explains, cringing at the word Dad. I nod a little and she walks out, without another word.

If you're wondering, yes I still take my medicine, and yes it's helping. But I'm still being bullied. Not by Jessica, by a girl at my current school in Florida called Paige. She's more of a physical bully, whereas Jessica was an emotional bully. Honestly, I hate it here in Boca. School is hell, even worse than LA, and home is just...different. Mom never has time to talk anymore, I'm not allowed to see Dad, and the atmosphere is empty at home. I sigh to myself, and decide to call Ariana. She's honestly the only person I want to talk to. I dial her number and she picks up on the second ring.
"Hello?" She asks gently.
"Hey Ari, it's Sophia"
"Goodness! Soph! How are things?" She exclaims.
"Good I suppose...how about you?" I trail off.
"Fine, but what do you mean you suppose, is everything ok?"
"Perfect" I snap. It came out harsher than I meant it to.
"Sophia" She says wearily.
"Things aren't going well" I admit.
"Is it Mom and Dad?"
"I'm not allowed to see Dad, and yes, Mom's part of it. I hate school too, it's worse than LA. I get bullied by a girl called Paige" I explain, sighing again.
"Love I'm sorry"
"It's k" I say quickly, wanting to end the call then and there. But instead I open up completely.
"I miss you so much Ariana, I want to come home" I exclaim. The line goes silent for a few seconds, before she speaks up.
"Soph I miss you so so much" she says quietly, and it sounds like she's crying.
"Please come home" she adds. With that, my mind has made it's decision. I'm going home.

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