Bad to Worse

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I wake up to my alarm, quickly turning it off so I don't wake Ariana up. I glance over and see her curled up in a tight ball. How could Ricky hurt Ariana, she's literally the best person in the world. I sigh and climb out of bed, quickly changing into a grey crop top and some black jeans. I brush my long brown hair and slip through the crack of the doorway, trying to be as quiet as I can. I walk into the kitchen and grab some strawberries, eating a few while I checked my Snapchats.

After about half an hour I decide to go back to my room to get ready, hoping Ariana isn't still asleep. I walk in and surprisingly she isn't on my bed. I hear a faint voice coming from my bathroom and walk over, pressing my ear against the door. I could only hear a few words but I knew she was talking to Ricky. I sigh and proceed to get ready, lacing up my gold superstars, and packing my homework into my bag. Suddenly Ariana exits the bathroom. I peer up and raise an eyebrow. "Everything ok?" I ask, acting like I didn't already know what she was doing. "Yeah" she smiles, walking over and hugging me. "I'll drive you to school soon" she adds, walking into her own room, probably to change.

The car ride is pretty quiet, and I can tell that Ariana is both tired and upset. "I've got hockey after school so can you pick me up at 5?" I ask as we approach school. She yawns before answering my question. "Yeah sure babe I'll be where I normally am" she smiles tiredly. I thank her and hop out of the car, grabbing my backpack. I walk over to a group of girls and we start talking about random things, to pass time. As I'm walking to first period with Sky, I freeze. "Everything ok?" She asks in a concerned voice. I don't answer. I can't believe my eyes, Joey is kissing another girl. Sky follows my gaze and gasps. "S-Soph I'm so sorry, I never knew about this either" She sighs, hugging me. I cry quietly on her shoulder, trying not to make too much of a scene.

( skipping classes again lol )

I've been avoiding Joey all day, I can't pull myself to talk to him without getting emotional. I really thought we had something special. I guess not. I grab an apple and walk into the cafeteria, both Matt and Sky by my side. We sit in our usual spot, but Joey isn't with us. He's sitting at a table with his 'girlfriend' and Jessica. A tear rolls down my cheek but I wipe it away before anyone could see it. "I'm just gonna go to the bathroom" I smile, excusing myself from the table. I walk into the bathroom and start crying uncontrollably. "Look who it is" someone mocks. I dry my eyes as best as I can before turning around. "J-Jessica hi" I stumble, trying not to cry in front of her. She walks over and grabs my hand, pulling me out harshly. "Hey everyone!" She shouts, getting people's attention immediately. "Little Sophie here has a huge crush on Joey, but just found out he doesn't care about her" She laughs. My breathing quickens and another tear rolls down my cheek. "You don't care, do you?" She asks Joey, smirking. He's about to answer when she cuts him off. "If you did, you wouldn't be here with Maddie" She grins, gesturing to his girlfriend. "W-well in that case no, but I do c-" He mumbles, before getting cut off by Jessica laughing to herself. I wriggle free from her tight grasp and run out of the cafeteria, sitting on a bench. I cup my hands over my face and cry. "Hey Soph, I really do care" Joey calls, running over to me. "Go away!" I cry. "If you did you would have helped me! I thought you liked me!" I shout, crying hard now. He stands back. "Of course I like you!" He protests. "Obviously, that's why you're dating Maddie or whatever" I yell sarcastically. "We aren't dating! I just kissed her" He explains. "You just kissed her?" I repeat, raising an eyebrow. "It didn't mean anything Soph, I promise. But I'm sorry" He apologises, opening his arms out wide, and I hug him tightly, not ever wanting to let go.


Straight after school ends I walk down to Hockey, not really wanting to go. "Welcome everyone" My coach greets, handing us all a stick and a puck. We do a few drills and of course I'm the best there, because I'm a state player. Jessica unfortunately is on my team, but lucky for me she's a weak player. Practise is only an hour and a half so it goes pretty quickly. I'm packing up my stuff when my coach calls me over.
"You're a good player Grande" She compliments, shaking my small hands. I thank her. "Half these girls can't play well at all, but you've really got skill" She smiles, picking up a stick that someone had left on the ground. "See you next week coach" I smile, grabbing my bag.

"So you think you're amazing don't you" a familiar voice rasps from behind me, as I'm walking up to the car park. I don't even have to turn around to know that it's Jessica. I keep walking but she proceeds to call me. "You have the perfect life don't you?" She shouts. I turn around, and decide to say something back. "No, I don't Jessica" I say bluntly. "A rich sister, a perfect little boyfriend, you're starring in a play, and you're the best hockey player on the team. Don't you just have the perfect little life?" She mocks, walking up to me. I shake my head, and she scoffs. "Too bad no one here likes you." "Get lost Jessica" I reply, rolling my eyes. She looks at me with wide eyes, and slaps me across the cheek, her rings cutting my skin. "You get lost. And don't come back" She shouts, pushing me away. I run to Ariana's car, tears running down my cheeks.

"What the fuck happened? Who is she?" Ariana shouts protectively when I open the door. I just shrug weakly and cry more. She opens her door and walks around to my side of the car, her heels clicking on the road. "Babydoll your cheek" She says quietly, hugging me. "I'm sorry you've had to go through this" She sighs, drying my tears with her thumb, like Dad used to. "Can we please just go home" I mumble, sighing. She nods and walks back to her side of the car, climbing in and starting the engine straight away.

"So how was your day?" She asks cheerfully. I look at her with raised eyebrows and she doesn't say anything. Neither do I. We just sit there until we get home. She unlocks the door and I go straight to the stairway. "Where are you going?" She asks, concern evident in her voice. "I want to be alone" I say bluntly. She gives me a stern look, reading my mind. "I won't allow it" She says simply. "Ariana I want to be alone" I explain again, with no emotion. "Sophie no. Don't do this" She sighs, sounding upset. I ignore her and walk up to my room, ignoring her calls. I lock the door and walk into the bathroom, talking my medication. I don't want things to get bad again. I rinse the cut on my cheek and sigh. Ariana must be worried. I unlock the door and open it to see her standing there, just looking at me with sad eyes. I smile a little, and so does she. "Come sleep in my room tonight" She offers, gesturing towards her room. I nod and walk with her down the hall. She switches on the T.V. and I cuddle into her side, falling asleep.

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