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"Have a good day love, and message me if anything happens...You know what i'm talking about" Ariana says, we approach my school. "I promise" I reply, smiling weakly. She sweeps a strand of hair aside and kisses my temple. "I'll pick you up here" She informs, as I hop out of the car and slam the door shut. I take deep breaths in attempt to calm my anxiety as I walk to my locker. "Hey Sophia!" Sky greets happily. "Hey" I smile. I notice her attention is drawn to my bandaged wrist. She pulls me aside and smiles nervously. "Are you ok?" She asks, glancing down at my wrist and back up at me again. "I'm fine, I just hurt my arm at Hockey" I lie, forcing a smile. She furrows her brows and mutters an ok, before walking with me to my locker. The bell rings for first period and I walk into class, glancing around nervously for someone I knew. I smile as I spot Joey waving like an idiot. "Hey" I greet, sitting next to him. "Hey Soph. Woah, what happened to your wrist?" "Oh just hockey" I lie, hoping he would believe me. He does, and starts talking to me about sports. "What class do you have next?" He asks, glancing at his own timetable. "Um..Drama" I reply. He smiles and tells me he does too. Thank you God. We walk together to drama and Joey introduces me to some of his friends.

"Ok everyone, you all voted on our play last week, and I have the results" The teacher announces, silencing everyone. "Romeo and Juiet!" She exclaims. Everyone starts chatting and cheering, and Joey turns to me. "So, wanna audition with me?" He asks excitedly. "You could be my Juiet" I blush a little. "I can't act" I admit. "Of course you can!" He encourages. I'm about to reply when I'm interrupted. "You are Ariana Grande's sister after all, you have to be good at acting." Someone shouts, I look over and see none other than Jessica, staring me down. "Wait, she probably can't, because Ariana can barely act herself!" She yells, causing her friends to erupt with laughter. I feel myself becoming angrier and angrier. No one can talk shit about my sister like that. "You're probably jealous because Ariana is WAY prettier than you, so shut your ugly mouth!" I yell back, making everyone cheer. Jessica's head snaps towards me and she gives me the dirtiest look possible. What have I done.


I walk into the cafeteria, and spot Sky, Joey and Matt sitting over near the corner. I walk over and plonk down next to Sky. "Hey Soph, how was your second day here?" Matt asks, smiling. "Pretty good, but I yelled at Jessica" I admit nervously. "You WHAT" Sky shouts, choking on her salad. I repeat what I had just said and her eyes widen. "She is going to kill you Sophia" She worries, squeezing her temples. "No she won't, and I found it hilarious. She totally told her off" Joey laughs, making me smile slightly. He has the cutest laugh. Suddenly a feel a hard hand on my shoulders. I turn and am faced with Jessica herself. "Get up" She spits. I stand up and she pulls me away from my friends. "Who do you think you are, speaking to me like that?" She asks sternly, her nails piercing into my arm. I take a deep breath. "Who do YOU think YOU are, talking about my sister like that" I reply. She seems taken aback my my response. I smirk at her, and she slaps me across the face. "Don't ever talk to me like that again, you ugly piece of shit" She snaps, pushing me to the ground, and walking off. I brush myself off and walk back to my friends. "What happened? Are you ok?" Sky panics, running over to me. "I'm fine" I reply bluntly. "Then why is your face red?" Matt smirks. I panic, but manage to calm down. "I tripped" I lie again. They seem to believe it, so I sit down again. "Aren't you hungry?" Joey asks, staring at me. "I already ate" I smile back. That's a lie. I haven't eaten since last night. The bell rings and Joey pulls me to the side. "I was wondering if you wanted to get something to eat after school?" He asks nervously, looking at me in the eye. I blush. "Sure, that sounds great" I agree, sliding a ring up and down my finger. "I'll meet you at your locker?" He grins, and I agree.


When the bell for the end of the day finally rings, I walk quickly to my locker, and pack my bag. I turn around and spot Joey standing directly behind me. "Lets gooo" He smiles. I follow him out of school, and into a cute coffee shop. We order our drinks and sit outside. "So, what's really going on?" He asks, and I raise a brow. "You're cute when you lie, you know?" He smiles. I sip my coffee. "What're you talking about?" I laugh, genuinely confused. "Well..your wrist being bandaged, and you not eating does raise some suspicion" He says seriously. I sigh and stare at the ground. "I'm sorry" I apologise. "I should have told you sooner. I...I had depression and anxiety last year, and these past few weeks have been hard...and It's all come back" I admit, barley audible, but he heard me. "You shouldn't be sorry. You're so strong, and I'm always going to be here for you" He says softly, holding my hand across the table. "Thank you" I smile. He kisses my hand, and we fall into silence for about five minutes. I unlock my phone and gasp as I see multiple missed calls and endless text messages from Ariana. "Shit" I mutter, grabbing Joeys attention. "Everything ok?" He asks kindly. "I-I'm sorry but I have to go. I-I have to go hockey practise" I lie, making it up on the spot. "My dad can drop you home" He offers, standing up from our table. I thank him and stand up too, placing my empty cup in the bin. His Dad drops me home and I unlock the front door.

"Hey I'm home" I shout into the house. Ariana runs franticly down the stairs, still wearing her heels. "Where on earth have you been!?" She shouts, raising her voice as she speaks. "Oh I went out with a friend, sorry" I say bluntly, placing my keys on the tray. "Excuse me?!" She snaps. "You 'went out' but didn't even tell me? I had no idea where you were!!" She rants, following me into the kitchen. I open the fridge and grab a bottle of water. "I'm sorry" I say with no emotion what so ever, and she gives me the dirtiest look possible. "Go to your room" She demands, slamming the fridge shut. I roll my eyes and open it again, to piss her off. "Now!" She shouts, pointing to the stairs with her other hand on her hip. I groan and walk up to my room, slamming the door behind me.

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