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I hop into the Range Rover, and buckle my seatbelt, pulling my phone out of my backpack. Ariana hops in beside me and starts the engine. "I'll pick you up just across from the school" She informs me, her eyes on the road. "Kay" I reply, not really paying attention to what she was saying. We fall into silence, and it stays like that for the next few minutes, until we approach the school. "Have a good day" Ariana smiles, kissing my temples. I hop out of her car and walk awkwardly to the front desk. "I'm new here, do you know where I could find my schedule?" I ask nervously. She smiles warmly and adjusts her glasses. "Sophia Grande?" She asks, glancing at a sheet of paper then back up at me. It's weird that my last name isn't Butera here, Sophia Grande just doesn't sound right. "Are you Sophia?" She asks impatiently, knocking me out of my thoughts. "Um yeah that's me" I mumble, taking the piece of paper out of her hands. "Your locker and homeroom numbers are on the back" She informs. I nod in appreciation and walk out into the hallway. It takes me a few minutes but I finally find my locker, and start putting my books in. Fortunately, just as I finish, the bell rings. "You're the new girl?" Someone asks from behind me. I turn and see a blond girl smiling widely. "I'm Hollie" She grins, extending her hand for me to shake. "Hi, I'm Sophia, but you can call me Sophie" I introduce, shaking her hand. "I'll show you where homeroom is!" She bubbles, taking my hand and pulling me down the hall.

She stops at a room and runs straight to the teachers desk. I overhear my name being said. "Ah! Sophia, how nice to meet you, I'm Mr Mone" A manly voice greets from inside. "Hello" I greet, walking in and taking a seat next to Hollie, who was already sitting down. He introduces himself and the class, and asks me to do the same. I shift uncomfortably in my chair, as I'm not good at talking in front of people. "Well I'm Sophia, and I'm actually from Florida..I'm here with my sister for a few months" I start. I glance nervously around the room before continuing. "I'm 14, and I played hockey for my state, before I moved here." People smile at me which makes me feel a little less nervous. "I'm sure you'd love the hockey club here" Mr Mone smiles from his desk. I'm about to reply when I'm cut off. "It's already full, we don't want her anyway" Someone snaps from behind me. "Jessica no need to be mean" Mr Mone snaps, pointing at a blond girl. She smirks at me. I've only been here five minutes and I already want to go home.

"Hey, you're Sophia Grande right? I'm Sky" Someone asks from behind me, I turn and am faced with a girl that I recognised from my Maths class. "Yeah, but call me Sophie" I smile, taking a bite from my apple. "Come and sit over here, I'll introduce you to my friends" She offers, twirling her brown hair around her finger. "Sophie this is Matt, Joey, and Maddie" She smiles, pointing to each one. I greet them one by one and sit down next to Joey. "You're Ariana Grande's little sister right?" He whispers into my ear. I nod and smile, flirting a little. "You're gorgeous" He flirts, leaning in close. Maddie clears her throat. "So" She snaps, sounding more than pissed off. "Why are you living with your sister anyway?" I glare at her and recall seeing her before. oh of course. she's the girl from homeroom. "None of your business" Joey argues, making her sigh. I smile widely and so do Sky and Matt, causing Maddie to groan and walk away. "Don't mind her" Matt laughs. "She's on her period basically every day." We all laugh and Sky asks me for my snapchat. I give it to her and she promises to make a group chat with us all in it.

When the bell for the end of the day rings, I quickly walk to my locker. As I'm packing my bag, I notice someone approach me, but I can't make out who. "Hey Soph" A deep voice greets. I look up and smile as I'm faced with Joey. "Hey Joey, what's up?" I greet. "Oh nothing really, I was just wondering if you're walking home?" He asks, pointing to the gate as he speaks. "I'm sorry my sister is picking me up" I sigh. "That's all good" He smiles, swinging his bag over his shoulder. "See you tomorrow" He says, pulling me in for a hug.

I spot Ariana's car across the road and quickly hop in, not wanting to delay her any longer. "How was school?" She asks as I strap my seatbelt on. "Actually not that bad" I admit, making her smile widely. Suddenly a serious expression falls upon her face. "What's wrong?" I ask, turning to face her. "Oh, well I wanted to know if you'd be ok with Ricky coming over tonight?" She asks nervously, biting her lip slightly. "Ari" I say seriously. She turns and gives me her full attention. "Of course I'm ok with that, you never need to ask me that" I smile. She sighs in relief before starting the engine, and chatting to me about school again. She pulls up in her driveway and just as we're about to get out I receive a notification on my phone.

'Sky 💕 added you as a friend'

'Matt 🍆 added you as a friend'

'Joey 💛' added you as a friend'

"Little Ms Popular" Ariana laughs from beside me, and I silently curse at myself for opening my phone when she was beside me. "Snoop" I chuckle, putting my phone in my pocket. "Hard to miss when there's a penis emoji on my baby sisters phone" She says protectively. I groan and tell her that I'm not a baby, but she just squishes my cheeks. I'm about to say something when there's a car honk next to us. "Ricky!!" Ariana squeals, which causes me to roll my eyes. She jumps out of the car and runs over to him. "Hey babydoll" He flirts, kissing her on the lips. I groan loudly and walk over to the front door, pulling out my keys. I look behind me and notice Ricky glaring at me, and not in a good way.

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