Goodbye Los Angeles

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I'm sleeping peacefully when suddenly I'm awoken by what sounds like shouting. I flutter my eyes open, a little startled, and sit up. As my eyes focus I see that I'm still in Ariana's room, but she's not next to me. I can still hear muffled shouting, and I want to know what's happening, me being my nosy self. I climb out of bed and follow the voices, ending up downstairs. I peak around the doorway to the lounge, and groan to myself as I see Ricky. From what it looks like, he's apologising to her.

"Ari I'm lost without you, please come back" He persuades, kneeling down in front of her, but even on one knee he's nearly taller than her. "No, Ricky. I've given you so many chances" She sighs, glancing down. His expression changes, and he stands up, towering over her once again. This can't be good. "This is all because of your messed up sister isn't?!" He shouts suddenly. Both Ariana and I gasp at the same time, but no one notices me thankfully. How could he say that?!

"My sister is NOT messed up" Ariana shouts back, clearly hurt by his statement. "Oh really? Are you sure?" He laughs sarcastically, making me even angrier. "I most certainly am" She scowls, giving him a dirty look. "Well if it wasn't for her, we'd still be together" He rants. Ariana takes a step back. "She had nothing to do with that!" She shouts, sticking up for me. "I know you're always trying to be Mrs Sweet all the time, but maybe if she did kill herself it would be for the best. Just admit it" He laughs. Ariana's jaw drops and she gasps. "G-get out of my house, monster!" She snaps, cupping a hand over her mouth. She's about to say something else when she sees me, and her eyes widen. Mine do too, and I run upstairs. "S-Sophie babe.. come back please! He didn't mean it" She shouts from the bottom of he stairs. I turn back, shocked. "You're sticking up for him?" I ask, shocked at my sister. She gives me an uneasy look, not replying and I feel a pang of hurt hit me.

I turn and sprint to my room, locking the door immediately after. I grab my clothes and throw them into a bag. I'm going home. I can't stand it anymore. I miss my friends, my school, my family-as dysfunctional as it is. I grab everything I need and grab my phone, calling Mom. She picks up on the first ring.
"Hey sweetie, how are you?"
"Mom I want to come home"
"Honey you can't come-"
"Mom please" I say, on the verge of tears.
"I'll book a flight and text you the details. I love you"
"You too"
I hang up and wait patiently for her to text back, ignoring Ariana's constant banging on the door. After around half an hour she messages back. I grin and read it:

Flights at 4pm today-Frankie's taking you and has tickets, be safe love x

I glance at the clock- 2:30pm. I've got a while. "Sophia please" Ariana whines from behind the door. I open it a little and ask her what she wants. "I want to apologise" She sighs. I open the door fully and her attention is drawn to my packed bag. She points to it silently, then looks back at me with sad eyes. "I'm going home" I answer bluntly, not showing much emotion. She gasps and looks extremely hurt. "Y-You can't just leave!" She sobs, sounding hurt. I shrug slightly. "I hate it here" I admit, harshly. "W-What?" She stutters, stunned at what I had just said. "I was here for just a week and it brought back my depression" I sigh, looking down. "I-I'm going too" She says stubbornly, walking over to me and sitting down on my bed. I shake my head. "No, you've got a career here" I argue. "Soph Mom and Dad aren't on good terms, things will be different. They won't listen to you like I do, you'll be living in two places" She explains, trying to persuade me to stay.

"Ari I just want to be happy" I sigh. She looks down for a few minutes, not saying anything. "I'm going to miss you a lot" She smiles, pulling me close. "I'm going to miss you more" I reply, wrapping my arms around her. I feel her warm tears travel down my back and guilt washes over me. I feel bad for leaving her, but it's for the best, right?

About an hour later the doorbell rings, and Ariana looks at me with sad eyes. "Please message me when you can, I don't want to loose contact with you" She worries, playing with my hair. "I promise" I smile, letting Frankie in. Ariana hands me my bag and phone, and I sigh a tear rolling down my cheek. She wipes it away with her thumb and smiles at me weakly, tears visible in her eyes. I step forward and hug her as tight as ever, squeezing every bone in her body. Her long hair rests on my arms and she whispers in my ear. "Make me proud babydoll" before pulling back. Another tear rolls down and she wipes it away with her thumb. Frankie clears his throat impatiently, and Ariana hands me my bag once again. "I love you" I smile, as I'm walking out. "I love you too" she replies. I hop into the car, and stare out of the window as we're driving away. The only thing ill miss is Ariana. Ill miss her a whole damn lot.

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