Settling in..again

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"You're sure you want to start school right away?" Ariana asks, her eyes wide at my request. I nod surely and she sighs. "But it wasn't goi-" she argues, but stops herself. "Okay" she sighs, giving in. "Yay" I smile. I can't wait to see my friends again. I climb up from the couch and begin to walk upstairs when Ariana calls me. "There's something I want to tell you" she starts, ushering me downstairs. "Yeah?" I ask, sitting down on a stool. "I've been seeing Jai again for the past few weeks" she admits, playing with her keys. My eyes widen. "That's great!" I smile. I actually like Jai, I remember meeting him a while ago. I was really upset when they broke up all those years ago. "You're happy about that?" Ariana asks with a surprised tone. "Well yeah" I reply, grinning widely, before walking back upstairs. I have to unpack my stuff as I didn't do it yesterday. When I'm finally finished I flop down onto my bed. That took so flipping long. "Sophia" Ariana calls, a slight worried tone in her voice. I walk downstairs, but she isn't there. "Where are you?" I yell. "Theatre" she shouts back. I make my way upstairs and into the theatre. Surely enough I see her sitting there with crossed legs. She sees me and pats the empty space next to her. "Sophia, you haven't eaten in days" she sighs, jumping straight to the point. "Y-yes I have" I lie. The truth is I never got better in Boca. I got worse. I had no one. I didn't even take my medication, so I just continued to get worse and worse, without anyone noticing. "No you haven't, stop lying" she replies sternly. "Well even if I didn't, it's just because I haven't been hungry" I shrug, trying to lead her on. "Sophia stop lying to me" she snaps, sounding pissed off. I roll my eyes and stand up, cursing under my breath as I did. "Excuse me?" She states, taken aback. I ignore her and walk out, Ariana following close behind. "I don't know what's up with your attitude, but I don't care. You need to eat Sophia" she informs, close behind me. "No I don't!!" I shout. "Please don't yell" she requests calmly. "And yes, young lady you do."

I groan and shut the door to my bedroom. I've only been here a few days and we're already fighting, just like we were before I started my medication. Suddenly I realise I haven't got my medication, nor have I been taking it. "A-ariana" I stumble. She walks in and scowls. "Yes?" She says bluntly, looking down on me. "I-I haven't been taking my medication, and I don't have it here either" I admit, unsure of what her reaction might be. "Wait, what?!" She exclaims. "So that means-" she starts, before marching over to me and pulling up the sleeve to my grey Nike sweatshirt, revealing many fresh cuts. She cups her hand over her mouth and falls to the ground. "I-I'm so s-sorry" she stutters, crying. "What for?" I ask quietly. "Not b-being there for you w-when you needed me the most" she answers, stumbling her words. I look down. "It's alright, I'm used to it" I mumble. She looks at me with sad eyes, but I don't know if she heard it.

Before I know it we're driving to the doctors to pick up more of my tablets, and Ariana is making us stop at a drive through on the way. "I'm not hungry" I insist, as she asks me what I'd like. "Nonsense" she denies, ordering food for me. I groan and slouch back in my seat, not wanting to eat anything at all. She hands me a bag, and I refuse to open it, which only makes Ariana more annoyed. "All right little miss difficult" she smirks, "if you don't eat, I'll send you back to live with Mom." I glare at her, before opening the bag and tearing the tiniest part of a fry off, and eating it. She gives me a look and I groan again, and eat some properly, hating myself more with every bite. The more I eat, the more I realise how hungry I actually am. "Stay here" she signals, as she hops out and walks into the doctors, returning a few minutes later with a small bag containing my medication. We drive home in silence.

"So Jai's picking me up at 7 tonight, and Luke is coming over" Ari informs me as we walk inside. I've only met Luke a few times but I love him, he's so funny. "Oh and you're starting school tomorrow" she adds, placing her handbag on the counter. "I know" I reply, flopping onto the couch. She sits down near me and pulls out her phone. "Have you finished unpacking?" She asks, as she scrolls through what looks like twitter. "Yep" I reply, popping the 'p' and she smiles.

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