Unconditional Love

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I walk into school on Monday taking deep breaths. I've been taking my medication for just over a week, Ariana making sure of it. She's just what I needed. Yes, the medicine has helped, and I feel like a weight has been taken off of my shoulders. Things at home have been calmer, and I've finally settled in with Ariana, accepting her as my guardian.

"Hey Soph" Joey greets, his arm around my shoulders. He walks me to my locker, and chats to me as I grab a few books. We walk into homeroom a couple of minutes late, but my teacher doesn't seem to care. "Soph! Joey! Over here!" Sky calls, waving her hands enthusiastically. I giggle and sit down next to Matt. We chat about everyones weekends, and homeroom flies by. When the bell rings I grab my stuff off the desk and walk to drama. "Wait up" Joey calls out, quickening his pace so that he could catch up to me. "Don't be mad" He starts, smirking, "But I signed us up for Romeo and Juliet" My eyes widen and I begin to panic. Thankfully I've been taking my medication, so that I wouldn't get anxiety attacks too often. "Don't worry, we'll be fine" Joey assures, squeezing my hands. I nod and smile a little, breathing slowly to calm myself down. As I'm walking into the classroom, Jessica passes me and gives me a strong nudge, her elbow digging into my side. I ignore her and sit next to Joey and a few other people.

(Skipping classes)

I grab my backpack and stroll out to the parking lot, looking down at my phone. I glance up and don't see Ariana's car, so I go back on my phone. "Hey" Someone calls bluntly, causing me to turn around. "Don't even think about auditioning for Romeo and Juliet" Jessica warns, pointing a finger at me. "This is my spotlight, plus, you cant act for shit" She laughs, flicking her long blonde hair behind her shoulder. I ignore her and switch my attention back to my phone. "Are you even listening?" She snaps, stomping her feet in frustration. I ignore her again, causing her to loose her temper. "Listen here you ugly bitch. I know you heard that, so don't piss me off" She threatens, walking off. I watch her walk off, then glance around for Ariana's car again. I walk over and climb in, putting my bag in the backseat. I look over at Ariana, who's expression is unreadable. She's staring at the steering wheel and looks upset. "Hey, how are you?" I ask softly, trying to light up the mood. She just hums in response, but looks up at me. She looks weary, and there are tears visible in her eyes. She doesn't start the engine, she just stares at me, looking extremely upset. "What happened?" I ask gently, turning to face her. "Ricky" She squeaks, her voice cracking as she spoke. I felt like this was a bad time to say 'I told you so', so I just kept quiet. "Lets go home" I smile, my hand squeezing hers. She nods, returning the smile, and drives home, her hand still under mine.

When we get home, I practically have to drag her inside. She's broken. Holding her hand, I lead her into the lounge room and turn on her favourite movie, sitting next to her on the couch. She cuddles into me, and rests her head on top of mine. Honestly, I was in an extremely uncomfortable position, but I stayed there for the length of the whole movie. When I stand up, I notice that she's fast asleep. I turn the lights off, leaving her asleep on the couch and walk upstairs, pulling out my math homework. I work at my desk for around an hour, before she walks in, looking tired. She flops down onto my bed and yawns. I walk over and sit next to her. "What did he do?" I ask. She sits up and looks at me with sad eyes, clearing her throat quietly. "H-he cheated" She mumbles, tears running down her cheek. I hug her tightly. "He never deserved you anyway, he's not good enough for someone like you" I compliment, making her smile slightly and giggle. "You're the best" She compliments, still hugging me. "How was school?" She adds, in a happier tone. "Yeah it was ok" I answer, not giving too much detail. She seems satisfied with my answer and only hugs me tighter.

"Do you even want dinner?" I ask, pulling back from her embrace. She glances up in thought, but shakes her head. "Honestly, I just want to sleep" She sighs, crawling under my covers. "In my bed?" I laugh, and she nods. I climb up off of the bed and switch off the lights, leaving us in complete darkness. I climb into bed next to Ari, and she cuddles my waist like a teddy bear. I follow her breathing and slowly fall asleep next to my big sister.

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