Happily Ever After.

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4 Months Later
I open my eyes and smile, seeing Ariana's fragile body beside mine. Things have been different lately, quieter, and more peaceful. You'd probably have guessed that because its been peaceful, Ari and Jai broke up. Well no, they're still dating. I don't mean more peaceful like that, I mean that the drama, and excitement has been sucked out of our lives lately. Ari has been so busy trying to record her new album, and I've just gone to school, or hung out with my friends.

Mum occasionally visits home, but not as much as she used to. I guess Frankie and her are busy too. Dad and Mum did get their divorce, and ever since that I've never really talked to him. No one in our family has. Ariana begged Mum to let me stay with her, which is why I'm still here, and I'm glad that she did. Moving to Los Angeles was the best thing that's ever happened to me. I mean, I don't talk to Joey anymore, we broke up a while back. (I knew it wasn't going to last and so did my sister. She reminded me of that fact every day until we broke up, then she would run around like a child shouting 'I told you so! I told you so!') But even though I've lost a few friends, and earned myself a few loyal enemies, I'm still a happy girl, and I'm enjoying life with Ariana Grande, my big sister.
That's a wrap?! I actually can't believe it. I've been writing this book for 7 months now, and it's finally finished! Firstly and foremost I would like to thank every single person reading this, no matter when you started this book. Your support and love has kept me going all this time. Though out the time of writing this book, I had been going through my own personal issues, and I think it's appropriate to end this book here, on a high note as I'm on a high note myself. Thank you so much. I hope I continue my love for writing, and that this isn't my last book. Thank you for everything - Rachael 1/1/18

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