Sorting things out

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Ariana has been avoiding me for almost two weeks. She doesn't even drive me to school anymore, I just walk on my own, or with Joey. We're dating now, which only made Ariana angrier. Even though the incident happened two weeks ago, the cuts are still visible on her face. I should apologise, but I don't think she wants me to. Honestly, I don't think she wants anything to do with me anymore.

I wake up and yawn, glancing at the clock, which read 10:56am. Ariana shouldn't be up, meaning that I can eat my breakfast without her staring at me intently. I walk downstairs, still in my grey sweatpants and my crop top, and pour out a bowl of cereal,while  sitting down at the marble bench. I eat slowly, opening my Snapchats and scrolling through Instagram at the same time, when something catches my eye. It's a picture of Joey and another girl, who I recognise straight away as Jessica, my former bully. No way. I zoom in to the photo, to find that he has his arm around her waist, and that she's kissing him on the cheek. I cant believe it. I don't believe it. Why cant anything ever go well for me! "WHY IS MY LIFE SO SHIT" I scream in frustration, slamming my phone face down onto the counter. I hear soft footsteps approaching me, and groan internally. Great, my day gets worse. Ariana walks into the kitchen, not saying a word to me, and grabs some oatmeal. I don't say anything either and exit the kitchen, not even knowing where I was going.

I flop down onto the couch in the lounge, and begin to cry. What did I do to deserve a life like this? "Sophia?" A soft voice calls into the lounge, and I look up to see Ariana, standing shyly in the doorway. "Y-yeah?" I answer, shocked at the fact that she actually talked to me. "You seem upset, would you like to tell me why?" She asks, sitting down next to me, but keeping her distance. "I-I don't know why my life is like this" I sigh, looking down. "Like what?" She asks innocently. I sigh again. "You don't understand" I sob. She gives me a sympathetic look and apologises. "It's okay" I mumble, "I just wish I could be happy for once." She looks at me and looks down, with a sad expression. "I know we haven't been on the best terms, but I want to try again, to be your big sister" She implies, with sad eyes. "Ari it's not your fault, it's mine. My life is shit, and I guess it just rubs off onto everyone else" I groan. "Honey It's okay, that's just life" Ariana consoles, rubbing my back gently. "I'm here for you, Frankie's here, Sky's here, Mom's here, Nonna, Dad, and Gramps" She adds, as a tear rolls down my cheek. I cuddle into her side and cry harder. She wraps her arms around me, and kisses the top of my head.

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