Sneaking Home

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I stay up late, scrolling though different airlines, and different flights. I know this sounds crazy, but my Mom isn't gonna know. I've decided to tell her when I arrive, because I know she'd yell at me if I told her I wanted to leave. As I book my flight, I message Lexi, my only real friend.

S~Lexi, I'm sorry but I'm going to LA for good.
L~ wait, what? You can't just leave like that?
S~I'm sorry Lex, it's what's best
L~I can't believe you Sophia
S~I'm sorry!
Read: 12:29am
Great. I guess I'll have to deal with her later. I continue fumbling around with my laptop, booking flights and taxis, while packing my bag. I throw in everything I had brought from LA, half of which was still lying in my suitcase.

Around half an hour later I call a taxi, and sneak downstairs. I hesitate at first, but decide to write Mom a note, explaining everything. Leaving it on the bench, I quickly run upstairs and unplug my phone, grabbing both the phone and the plug. I stand at the doorway, looking at my bedroom for the last time and smile when I see the alarm clock, still broken, laying on the ground, as it was when this all begun. I'm snapped out of my thoughts by a car horn, and run downstairs, picking up my bag and jumping into the taxi.

We drive to the airport in silence. The man surprisingly not asking any questions. I hand him a $50 and make my way to the gate. I've decided that I want to surprise Ariana, and I can't wait to see the look on her face when I turn up at her house tomorrow. I board my plane hastily and sit down next to an older lady, who smiles warmly. I sigh as I look out the small airplane window, knowing that this was definitely the last time I'd be here. I turn on my music, shoving white earphones in, and cuddle into my seat, finding a comfy spot. I close my eyes and drift of into a deep sleep, thinking of Ariana.


A/n this is just a filler chapter, that's why it's so short. I also apologise for how badly this is written, it's currently 11pm and I tried to write this as quick as I could. Hope you guys are enjoying, and there's drama on the way 💛

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