Just a mess

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I groan and walk up to my room, and just as I do, my phone buzzes. I glance down at the screen and grin.

From Frankie 💕:

going to Maccas, i'll pick you up on the way there..Don't tell Ari ;)

I slam my bedroom door to make it seem like I'm inside, and creep down the stairs, and out the back door. I spot Frankie's car and hop in. "Hey Soph" He greets as I buckle my seatbelt in. "Hey!" I smile. "What's the reason for this?" I chuckle, as he starts the engine. "Well, we never spend any time together so I thought it'd be a good idea" He grins, pulling into McDonalds. We grab our food and sit down at a booth. "So how are things going?" He asks, eating a fry. "Pretty good" I smile. He looks at me with wide eyes, and clears his throat. "Oh" I sigh. "Ariana told you about last night." He nods and asks what had happened. "I was just overwhelmed" I admit. He glances at my arm, which was still bandaged and back up at me. "And your arm?" He asks seriously, causing me to get a little nervous. I decide to tell him the truth. "I...I c-cut it" I mumble, stuttering each word. "Does Ariana know?" He asks, sipping his coke. I shake my head and he gasps. "Don't tell her" I panic, squeezing my temples. "I won't love, don't worry" He smiles. "But you can't do this again" I nod my head, and we fall into silence. "Why didn't you order any food?" He asks, staring me up and down. I gulp. "I just ate" I lie, sipping my water. He nods his head and starts chatting to me about school.

A few people ask for pictures with Frankie before we leave, but that doesn't bother me. After he's taken pictures with everyone, we walk back to his car. "Thanks for taking me here" I smile, climbing in. "No worries! Anything for my lil Soph" He chuckles. He drops me off outside my house and I creep round the side, and through the back door. I quickly run up the stairs and into my room. I release a sigh and turn around to see Ariana standing behind me with crossed arms. Shit. "Where. On EARTH. HAVE. YOU. BEEN" She shouts, her voice full of anger. She's never yelled at me like this before. "I went out with-" I start, but she interrupts me. "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?" She yells. Well that hurt. "A lot of things Ariana" I reply quietly. "Oh so now we're being smart?" She snaps, rolling her eyes. "A lot of things are wrong with me" I admit, tears rolling down my cheek. She rolls her eyes again. I hold up three fingers. "Depression, Anxiety and Anorexia" I cry, counting off each finger. "I could list a few more if you want" I mumble, staring at the floor. I see her facial expression change from anger to shock. I decide to explain while I have the chance. "I was out with Frankie because I needed someone to talk to" I sigh, wiping my tears away. "Sophia babe you can talk to me! You know that" She insists, looking at me with sad eyes. "Can I? I don't think so" I reply with sass. She steps back a little. "What are you talking about!? Of course you can!" She protests, waving her hands around. "Ari, you couldn't care less about me! But don't worry, the feeling's mutual." I laugh, rolling my eyes. She takes a step back and seems taken aback by my outburst. Maybe I went a little too far this time. "You little diva!" She snaps, looking at me up and down."I get you everything! Everything you want, and this is the thanks I get!?" She splutters, folding her arms again. "Diva? Ariana you are the biggest diva there is, and everyone knows it! Just look up diva in the dictionary and there'll be a picture of you" I laugh, sticking the finger up. "That's it" She snaps, before slapping me across the face. "You're a bitch. You really are" She gasps, her voice breaking. She pushes me to the side and walks down to her room, her gentle sobs echoing down the hallway. What have I done.

I slide down my door, crying hard, and stay like that for a while. I don't want to move. I can't move. I grab my phone and call Frankie. He answers on the first ring. "What happened. I'll be right over" He assures, before I had even started to speak. Not five minutes later Frankie is at the front door. "I yelled at Ariana" I explain, my tears running wild. "I've got it baby" He smiles, and he runs upstairs.

Ariana's POV

"Ari?" A familiar voice calls from the other side of my door. At first I think it's Sophia so I ignore it, but soon I figure that it's Frankie. I dry my eyes and let him in. "What're you doing here?" I ask quietly, drying my eyes. "Just want to talk" He smiles. I sit crosslegged on my bed and he does too. "I know Sophia's been a handful lately but there's something you need to know" He says seriously. "She had problems back in Florida, and she needed to take medication." He explains. I can see the hurt in his eyes. "When she moved here she thought everything was ok, but it's not ok. In fact it's worse" He informs me. Another tear rolls down my cheek. "This is a big deal" He sighs, "And she needs medication" I furrow my brows. "Why?" I ask bluntly. "I can help her!" I insist, but he shakes his head. "Because she can't control herself mentally and she cant deal with the stress" He explains, placing a hand on my knee. "What do you mean?" I ask innocently. He looks nervous. "She's been cutting again Ariana" He sighs. My heart shatters, and I feel anxiously sick. "S-she promised she'd stopped" I cry. He pulls me in for a hug. "It's going to be ok Ari, Moms bringing her medication tonight." Frankie consoles, smiling. "Frankie, Sophia wont like this" I panic, thinking of the way she could react. "I have it all planned out" He comforts. "I'm telling her Moms here for a visit, and for the next few days you're gonna need to slip her medication in her food. Can you do that?" He asks, smiling. "I have to" I sigh. "She's my baby sis"

Sophia's POV

"Sophie hun" a feminine voice calls. I identify it straight away as Ariana. I turn around and see her and Frankie walking towards me. "I'm so sorry" I apologise. "It's ok love" She smiles, sitting down next to me. Frankie sits on the other side. "Mom's coming to visit tonight" Frankie smiles. "Just Mom" Ariana clarifies. She's coming to take you home. Ariana doesn't want you anymore and it's your own fault. Suddenly I begin to hyperventilate and my hands begin to shake. I don't want to go back. I want to stay with Ariana. "Steady breaths sweetie" Ariana whispers softly, calming me down a whole lot. "She just wants to visit honey and I think we should let her" She smiles. "I-I don't want her to make me leave" I cry into her shoulders. She hugs me tightly and calms me down. I hear the doorbell ring, but Ariana doesn't move. "I got it" Frankie smiles and runs to the door. I hear my Moms voice approaching me and pull out of Ariana's embrace, and dry my eyes. "Mama!" Ariana exclaims, pulling her in for a hug. I sit there awkwardly as they chat about Ariana's music. "How are things here?" Mom asks, smiling warmly. Ariana thankfully covers for me. She puts her hands on my shoulders and puts her head on my shoulders. "Things are going so so well Mom!" She exclaims. I nod my head and Mom looks pleased. Frankie motions for Mom to follow him into the hall, and soon enough it's just me and Ariana.

"I'm sorry about everything I said" I apologise. She glances up from her phone and stands up. "Love, I know how hard things have been for you" She says softly. "I'm proud. So proud" She smiles. I run over and hug her tightly, wrapping my arms around her neck. She picks me up bridal style and sits back down, with me on her lap.

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