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"We need to go and buy come clothes for school tomorrow" Ariana smiles. I gulp, thinking about starting at a new school right in the middle of the year. "Come on, let's go!" Ariana ushers, snapping me out of my thoughts. I throw on a sweater and jump into the car, with my shoes in my hand. "Why do I have to go to school when I'm here" I groan, tying up my Nikes. "Because you aren't here for a vacation, and Mom and Dad expect you to not to miss out on school" She replies, with her eyes on the road.

"Ooh look at that skirt!" Ariana exclaims, dragging me into Forever 21. She rushes over to a rail filled with skirts, and pulls out a white skater skirt. "You would look so cute!" She says, beaming. I tell her that I like it, but before I could finish speaking, she squeals in excitement. "Look at this cardigan...and this black shirt!! This is such a cute outfit!" She exclaims, ignoring the looks she was receiving from other customers. "I love it!" I approve, as I follow her to the counter. We buy the clothes and walk to Victoria Secret. She buys a few body sprays for herself, and I buy a sweatshirt, and of course some body sprays too. "Wanna get Starbucks?" Ariana asks, smiling. I nod, and we walk over to the Starbucks. Suddenly, there's a huge commotion behind us, and flashing lights. I turn around and see a huge crowd of people chanting Ariana's name. They take photos of us and shout at us, and suddenly I feel dizzy. "Sophie babe, grab my hand" Ariana shouts, reaching out to me through the mob of paparazzi. I hold her hand tightly and she pulls me out of the group. "You ok love?" She asks, still holding my hand. "Yeah I'm fine, it just shocked me" I laugh. "Well you just survived your first mob" She laughs, leading me into Starbucks.

She orders, and we walk back to her car, sipping our drinks. "Ricky's coming over tonight if that's cool with you" She informs smoothly, fastening her seatbelt. "Ricky?" I repeat, smirking. She nods nervously and I burst out laughing. "What is it?" She asks nervously. "You totally like him!" I exclaim between laughter. "Oh shush" She avoids, rolling her eyes. The car ride passes in a blink and we're home again. "What time is it?" Ariana asks, as we walk inside. "Uhhh four forty" I reply, glancing at the clock. "Shit!" She curses. I ask her what's wrong and she tells me that Ricky will be here at 5. She rushes up the stairs and returns down in a couple of minutes in a different outfit. I'm about to make a joke when the doorbell rings. "I'm gonna go upstairs" I smile. She gives me a puzzled look. "Why?" She asks, walking over to the door. "I don't want to intrude on the love" I smirk, walking up the stairs. I don't think she heard me because she asked me again. "I'm tired" I lie. She nods and opens the door, enlifting Ricky in a hug, and planting a kiss on his cheek. I grin from the top of the stairs, where only she can see me, and she gives me a stern glare.

I flop onto my bed and scroll through the notifications on my phone. Of course there's heaps of hate but I scroll past them. So many people have seen the photos of me and Ariana at the shops, and are asking questions about it. I read a few tweets.


who is this girl? she's so lucky to be touching Ariana, but seriously she needs to leave her alone...


omg this is the same girl as ariana why are you hanging out with this loser


lol i bet ariana doesn't even like her #wtf

I let a few tears escape my eyes, but don't let myself start crying. I follow the steps that my therapist told me. Breathe. Count to ten. I breathe slowly and lie down on my bed, burrowing my head in my pillow. I try my hardest to fill my head with positive thoughts, but it just isn't working. I decide to go back on my phone, and scroll through my Instagram. I restrict myself from going anywhere near negativity, so I just end up scrolling through my feed, because I only follow my friends and family. Suddenly a picture of Ricky and Ariana pops up. I gasp and my eyes widen. They're kissing on the lips and the caption is '5 months 💕' I slam my phone on the bedside table and squeeze my temples in frustration.


"Goodmorning hunny" Ariana sings softly, waking me from a deep sleep. I flutter my eyes open and smile. Suddenly I remember the post and frown. "What's wrong?" She asks, with a confused tone. I raise an eyebrow. "I can't believe you've been dating Ricky without telling me!" I exclaim, raising my voice. "Well I don't have to tell you everything! Gosh, I only just met you!" She snaps. "What the fuck" I mutter, taken aback from what she just said. She cups her hand over her mouth and looks at me with sad eyes. "I didn't mean that I'm sorry, It just came out" She apologises. I glare at her. "Just go" I say, pointing at the open door. She stands up and leaves. I walk to the closet and change into my new outfit. Once I'm changed and I've applied some light makeup, I walk downstairs. "Aren't you going to eat?" Ariana asks, looking up from her phone. "I'm not hungry" I reply, picking up my pumps from the doorway. "Well let's go because we don't want to be late" She smiles. I nod and smile a little. "I'm sorry Soph, let's just forget that happened" She apologises, hugging me. "It's ok" I smile. "Thank you, now let's go!" She exclaims, rushing me into the car. Today is going to be hell.

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