New Places

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I wake up to the annoying sound of my alarm clock. I groan and attempt to turn it off, but I accidentally knock it off the bedside table, causing it to smash on the ground. I'm about to clean it up when I remember that I leave today, so it doesn't really matter. I unplug my phone and start replying to the endless messages from my friends. About 5 minutes later my Mom rushes into my room. "Sophia what are you doing?!" She shouts. I give her a confused look and glance at my clock:


Shit, My flight is at 10! I jump out of my bed and run to the bathroom. After I have the worlds quickest shower, I throw on the clothes I had laid out last night.

 After I have the worlds quickest shower, I throw on the clothes I had laid out last night

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"Sophia, your bags are in the car, hurry up!" My Mom yells from downstairs. I grab my phone and quickly walk down the stairs. I find my Dad standing with open arms. I hug him tightly. "I'm gonna miss you kiddo" He smiles. "I'm going to miss you too" I reply, tears running down my face. He wipes my tears with his thumb and ushers me outside, and into the car. I hug him one last time, and before I know it, I'm at the airport. My Mom parks right outside the door, and helps me get my bag out of the boot. She grabs my hand and walks into the airport with me. The further we walk, the tighter she squeezes my hand. I feel hot tears running down my cheek. Suddenly she stops walking, and turns to face me. "It's going to be just fine" She sobs, pulling me in for a hug. I don't say anything, but hug her tightly. I don't want to ever let go.

Now boarding flight 208, to Los Angeles

"Come on love, it's over here" She smiles, releasing me from the hug. I follow her over to my gate. "I love you Mommy" I tell her quietly. "I love you too" She replies, hugging me again. I hand the man my ticket and board my plane, tears streaming down my face. I'm going to miss this place. Suddenly my eyes begin to close, and I fall fast asleep. 

"The plane's landing" Someone whispers in my ear. I open my eyes to find a boy smiling back at me. "Thank you" I smile. He nods and we proceed to exit the plane. I enter the airport I grab my bag from the baggage carousel. I walk through the airport for about 10 minutes, when suddenly I spot Ariana. She glances up from her phone and freezes when she sees me. "SOPHIA?!" She shouts at the top of her lungs, before running over to me. I drop my bag and pull her in for a hug. "Ariana i've missed you so much" I cry. She grabs my hands and squeezes them tightly. "I-I've missed you so much more" She stumbles, tears streaming down her face. I stand on my tip-toes and wrap my arms around her neck, and she picks me up. "You're so light Sophia!" She exclaims, grabbing my bag with her other hand.

She carries me to her car and carefully places me on the front seat. "You didn't have to carry me all this way" I laugh. "Anything for my baby sister" She replies, before climbing in her side of the car. The drive home is quiet, but the good, peaceful type of quiet. When we reach her house, I gasp. "Your house is amazing Ariana!" I marvel, causing her to laugh. "Thank you love" She replies, grinning. I grab my bag and follow her inside. We walk up a marble staircase, and she opens one of the many doors upstairs. "This is your room" She exclaims. I walk in and gasp. It had lavender walls, and a white carpet, with a huge white bed in the middle. The closet was massive, with a mirror on each door. There was also a bathroom. I turn and face Ariana, who is looking nervous. "Do you like it?" She asks, biting her lip. "I LOVE IT!" I reply, hugging her tightly.

"I'm going to let you unpack, but if you'd like we can watch movies later on" She offers, playing with her hair. "Yes please!" I grin. She gives me a thumbs up and leaves my room. I grab my bag and throw it onto my bed so that I can unpack it.

Maybe Los Angeles isn't as bad as I thought it would be.

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