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I wake up to the sound of rain, and groan. I search underneath my pillow with my hand, and pull out my phone. I unlock it and read the notifications. There's a message from Mom, and a few snapchats. I unlock my phone and open her message

From: Mommy
Hey Soph, it was great seeing you last night, lots of love 💕

To: Mommy
Love you too, have a safe flight home xx

I open snapchat and reply to a few of my messages. When I've scrolled through Instagram for about 15 minutes I decide to get up. I walk into my bathroom and wash my face, and my teeth, and brush my hair. I apply some light makeup and throw on a sweater and some leggings. It's too early for Ariana to be awake, so I walk into the kitchen quietly and grab a banana. I peel it and throw the actual banana in the bin, leaving the skin behind, so it looks like I've eaten it.
I don't want Ariana to know that I'm really anorexic, I'm hoping she thinks it was a lie. With my phone in my hand I walk into the living room, and collapse onto the soft couch. Suddenly I hear Ariana's soft footsteps travel down the stairs. We make eye contact for a minute, but she turns her head and walks into the kitchen.

"Sophia do you mind putting this in the bin, the bench isn't a place for trash" She calls from the kitchen. I obediently walk into the kitchen and put the banana skin in the bin. "However" She starts, as she opens the back door to let the dogs out, "I'm glad you ate something."

Ariana's POV

Sophia walks back into the living room and just as she does, I receive a text from Frankie.

I'm coming over with the meds, don't stress, I've got everything under control x

I sigh in relief, and turn my phone off, not replying to Frankie. I cut up some fruit and eat it at the bench, scrolling through my twitter as I eat. There's a knock at the door about 15 minutes later and I let Frankie in.

"Soph" Frankie calls, taking something out of his backpack. Sophia skips in and smiles at Frankie and I. "I got you a coffee" He grins, handing her a Starbucks cup. I just watch silently as she sips it, unaware of what's inside. "Thanks!" She exclaims, walking back to the living room. I glance over at Frankie who's doing a little happy dance. "Wow, that actually worked" I laugh, putting a strawberry in my mouth. "It sure did" He boasts, grabbing a strawberry from my bowl. "Heyy" I scowl, laughing.

Sophia's POV

After Frankie left Ariana came into the living room. "So I'm going to the studio to record, wanna tag along?" She chirps, glancing at the TV and back at me. "Sure sounds good" I accept, half listening. "What are you watching?" She asks, interest evident in her voice. "Stranger things" I answer. She snaps out of it and walks out of the room and up the stairs, "I'm going to change" she informs me, slamming the door behind her. I unlock my phone again and open snapchat. Jessica sent me a video. I stupidly decide to open it. It's a video of her and her friends insulting me. I can't really hear what they're saying but I do pick up words like "bitch" and "slut" I turn off my phone and throw it across the room.

About 5 minutes later, Ariana returns down the stairs, wearing a black off the shoulder t shirt and some black jeans, with black heels. "I didn't realise we were going to a funeral" I joke sarcastically, making her laugh. "Shush and get in the car" she giggles. I turn on the radio and we sing loudly to the songs that come on, all the way to the studio. Ariana leads me down the hall, and into a dark room, with a sound booth. I sit on the chair and she presses some buttons, before walking into the sound booth, and closing the door behind her.

Honestly, I wasn't really listening to her singing, I was too tired. She walked out after about an hour, and I compliment her, making her smile proudly. We walk back to the car, and hop in. "Soph hun can you get my sunnies? They're in my bag" She asks. I turn around and grab her bag from the back seat, and carefully search for her sunnies. "Here I think I see-" I stop myself. I hold up a packet of tablets, but not just any tablets, the medication I used to take for my depression. On the top of the packet there were scribbles in Ariana's handwriting, and numbers. I soon realised that the numbers were times, and that the writing was when and how she was going to give them to me.

"I-I" Ariana stumbles, not knowing what to say. "You were drugging me?" I ask quietly, tearing up a little. "No Sophia it's not like that" She exclaims, desperately trying to explain herself. "Then what is it like?" I shout, anger controlling me. "I told Mom everything you said to me the other night, because I was worried about you, and she said you needed to take medication again" She explains. "I didn't tell you because I knew you wouldn't like it" She sighs. "T-Thank you" I stumble. She looks at me confused, probably expecting me to yell at her again. "You're the best sister I could ever ask for, thank you for looking out for me" I compliment. She seems extremely relieved and happy at the same time, and kisses my temples. "I'm always going to be here for you" she smiles. "Oh and you won't need to worry about the medication" I inform her. She gives me an uneasy look. "I'll take it myself, just like I did before" I promise Ariana. I really do want to get better, to improve, so ill do it.

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