The Truth (TW)

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"Sophia" Ariana whispers softly. I flutter open my eyes and stretch. "What time is it?" I yawn, while re-tying my long brown hair. "Time to get a watch" She jokes. I roll my eyes and pull the covers over my head. Ariana pulls it off and attempts to make my bed while i'm still lying there. "You know it would be a whole lot easier if you moved" She remarks. "I'm fine thank you" I reply sarcastically, making her laugh. "I have an interview soon, do you wanna come?" She asks, sitting crosslegged on the end of my bed. "Sounds good" I agree, sitting up. Ariana exits so that I can change, and I do. I throw on my favourite ripped jeans, and a cropped white sweater, and tie my hair in two braids. "We have to leave soon!" Ariana informs from her room, so I grab my superstars and tie them up. Grabbing my phone off the bedside table, I walk down into the kitchen, to find Ariana on her phone. "Sophia you look so cute!" She exclaims, rushing over to me, and pulling me in for a hug. After a couple of seconds I pull back and she takes my hands in hers. "We'll stop at Starbucks on the way there" She whispers, leaning in close so that I can smell her sweet perfume. I smile in response but her attention is drawn to my wrist.

It was probably the most uncomfortable situation I've ever been in. I was just standing there growing more and more anxious by the minute, as my sister studied my whole arm. I knew what she was looking at, and I knew what she was thinking. The truth is, last year, I did self harm, and I wasn't in a happy place mentally. I don't cut anymore, and I haven't cut for a long time. I found the willpower to stop myself, but that doesn't mean the scars left, and no one knew.

I look up at Ariana's shocked face, and immediately feel guilt wash over me. She must be so upset. She notices the guilty expression on my face and forces a smile. "C-come on lets go, we don't want to be late, do we?" She says cheerfully, stuttering the first few words. She holds out her hand and I walk with her to her Range Rover. I look over at Ariana, who seems distant. "Ari?" I ask her gently, which startles her. "Ye-Yes?" She stumbles, forcing a smile. "Are you..ok?" I ask, playing dumb. "Of course I am, hun" She replies. "Are you lying?" I ask, picking at my nails. "I'm going through the drive thru so what would you like?" She asks, avoiding the question totally. We get our drinks and proceed to where Ariana is being interviewed. Ariana walks a mile in front of me and I follow behind her like a lost puppy. "Sit over here and sush" She instructs, smiling a little. I nod and sit down on the carpet, pulling out my phone. I open a text from Lexi and smile.

How are things going? Miss you heaps x

I quickly type a reply

Things are good here, miss you too x

I open up Instagram and scroll through my notifications. People have been reposting Ariana and my selfie, and asking who I was. I like a few posts, and shove my earphones in. I decide to listen to some of Ariana's music, and rest my head against the wall. My eyes begin to close and I fall asleep. 

I wake up to the sound of an engine. I sit up, startled and rub my eyes. "Was my music really that boring?" Ariana chuckles, looking over from the drivers seat. "No I was just tired" I reply smiling. "How long did I sleep for?" I ask, yawning. "About an hour" She smiles. At least she's in a better mood. We pull into the driveway and I jump straight out of the car, before she could say anything about my wrists, because I knew she was going to. I unlock the front door and run up the stairs. "Soph!" Ariana calls from the bottom of the stairs, struggling to catch her breath. I look down and see her panting at the bottom of the stairs. "Is everything ok? What's the rush?" She asks, in between breaths. "Oh everything's fine" I smile, turning my back to her. I hear her heels click up the stairs. She rests her hand on my shoulder and turns my body to face her. "Sophia I need to talk to you about something" She says sternly. I contemplate whether I should run away or not, but decide to stay.

"I really wish you had told me about your wrists" She sighs, jumping straight to the point. I cringe at that sentence. "It's alright now, those were from last year. I-I'm 7 months clean" I admit, avoiding looking at her in the eyes. "Sophia, promise me you'll never, ever do anything like that to yourself again" She sobs, pulling me in for a hug. "Ariana please don't cry, I wont ever do it again" I promise, hugging her tightly. "Do Mom and Dad know?" She asks, placing a hand on her petite hips. I shrug "Well they've been busy, they didn't really-" "Do Mom and Dad know" She repeats sternly. I shake my head. She widens her eyes and squeezes her temples in frustration. "Why didn't you tell someone?!" She shouts, with tears in her eyes. "Because of Mom and Dad" I admit. She tilts her head. "What do you mean?" She asks, looking at me in the eye. "Sophie what do you mean?" I sigh. "Mom and Dad have been fighting a lot" She looks shocked. "J-just arguing right?" She stumbles. I shake my head. "What!?" She shouts. I tell her that Dad abused Mom and she goes silent. "I-I'm so sorry. If I had known any of this I would have taken you here sooner" She sobs, cupping her hands over her face. I console her and she smiles up and me through her tears. "I'm so sorry" She repeats. "For everything you've gone through. I'm so sorry I haven't been there" I nod my head and hug her again. "It's alright. You're here now and we can get through this together"

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