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The sound of glass smashed against the marble floor. Avni stood dumbfound as did Neil, their eyes were hooked to each others like drug. Avni's eyes were fully glossed with tears. Shweta then chimed "Oh great this s*** it back in our lives.""Shut up Shweta." retorted Bebe. Avni closed her eyes in pain, whilst Neil's teary ones locked on to her form. Bebe stepped forth towards Avni but Avni stepped back causing Bebe to stop. "Avni..."Said Ashok "This is the Khanna family, they are here about case against Mrs Maddy Khanna's husband Khulboshan, they need help." He looked between them all "It looks like you guys know each other." Within seconds the door opened with sheer force as Ali, Aman and DD tumbled in, everyone's attention shifted to them as Ashok said "Ali, Aman..." Aman  spoke next looking towards his sister "Di...." Avni held up a hand signalling him to stop, she looked at Ashok as tears leaked down her face "A-Ashok i need to talk to you in the other room." The two made their way to his cabin as he held the door open for her Shweta retorted "Private talk." Bebe flipped "SHWETA JUST SHUT UP AND SIT DOWN, DON'T YOU DARE SAY ANYTHING." She shrunk back in her seat. Avni looked at Ashok "Ashok i can't take this case, and before you ask why just shut up and let me explain." Ashok closed his mouth "During the time i was taking revenge of Dayawanti Mehta, i got married to Neil with out his knowledge, he found about my identity and helped me put her, diksha and Ketan behind bars, the deal was that once we did that we would go our separate ways but i couldn't leave him, i stayed and within a few weeks i randomly started to throw up, Bebe thought i was pregnant. They all went out and Neil was busy with work i was home alone and ill, Ali walked in when i was about to faint and caught me, my manglestura got stuck in his shirt and he was trying to get it out, it looked like a very compromising situation and Shweta thought that this so called child was Ali's not Neil's when in reality i wasn't pregnant. I was accused of being a s*** and and wh*** and Neil even brought Ayesha Ma into it. He said a lot of things and Rhea, my own cousin sister told everyone that i was illegitimate and disrespected me a lot, Bebe didn't accept me no one but Papa ji did. Around this time Rhea showed he pictures of her and Neil getting all sexual and stuff." Avni looked at him whilst he was lost for word "Ashok i can't stand this family, i can't do this." Tears flew down her face Ashok wiped them away "Avu me you and Ali all were childhood friends why didn't you tell me before." Avni shrugged her shoulders "Ashok what do you think i should do?" "If i know you at all Avni, i know that you are no where near weak, you fought death and came back, you punished sin and stand above everything. If you don't want to do this case, fine don't but you will look weak in front of them, it will show that they still effect you till date. Listen to me Avni take the case..." Avni looked at him "Yes Avni, what better way to punish these people then to show them that you no longer care and that the past doesn't effect you." Gently he wiped her tears. "i knew you would always give better advice then Ali." He smiled "Anyone gives better advice then that fatso." Avni laughed choking on a sob. He laughed to and hugged her.

Neil stood watching them through the glass, his heart burned. Aman was sending Neil dirty looks whilst Ali and DD looked at the floor. Seconds later Avni and Ashok emerged from behind the glass door as Avni began professionally "Please take a seat..." They did, "Me and my Partner Ashok have decided to take up your case." They looked at her in bewilderment she had a stone cold expression plastered over her features and those tears which looked like clouds oh a sunny day were gone, no trace of them left. "So... We have looked over the notes and descriptions that you have given...wait hold up Aman Ali DD there is some of mum's homemade curry in my office." Their eyes widened as Avni pointed to her office, they barged through all three trying to fit through the door, Ali pushed past the other two as Aman shouted out "Nooooo Ali you best not touch that curry its mine." DD pushed past too followed by Aman who closed the door with a bang causing Avni to jump in her seat she muttered "Boys..." As Ashok smiled saying "Avu if i could i would be in there to wrestling for that curry, Neela Aunty makes the best curry." Avni shook her head looking at the family in front of her "Sorry.. Anyway so looking at the descriptions you have given me it seems that this guy is a psycho, its gonna be dangerous and the amount of investigation we are going to have to do...." Neil cut her off "We can help, i can work on it in the police department." Avni looked him dead in the eye, those eyes that were filled with emotion before were back to being dead inside "That won't be needed Mr Khanna, we are more than capable off doing this." Neil was shaken by the formality "Avni call me Neil." "Can't do that Mr Khanna, who am i to call you by your name." Ashok quickly cut in before Neil could say anything. "So we can book and appointment for you in two days whilst me and Avni plan a few strategies to work something out." They nodded. Shweta then thought it was time to say something "So Avni right?....Did you and Ali have your child or are you having an affair with this man now." Avni looked her dead in the eye "Shweta right?.... I was never pregnant you see someone spiked the soup making me throw up and become sick, i wonder who?" "How did you..." Avni cut her off "I'm a lawyer, i investigate things like that, please don't insult my intelligence i knew on that day just didn't say anything, Bhima Di told me everything. And even if there was something going on between me and Ashok it would concern you least of all after all who are you to judge." Shweta stood there shell shocked as did the rest of the family "Beta..." started Bebe "Please..." cut in Avni " Don't call me your daughter or child, what type of person casts out there own child." Bebe looked down. Avni stood up and walked past Neil to Prakash. She bent down and took blessings. He pulled her into a hug which she reciprocated. "I'm sorry Papa ji." He smiled at her and caressed her face lovingly "You have nothing to be sorry for." She looked at Neil "Oi..." Shweta started once again "Don't you dare look at my Tillu, you cheater." She smirked looking at Neil "You didn't tell them." She laughed "Wow Mr Neil Khanna, not expected, what happened to that police officer that never committed wrong huh? Oh will it be good when they find out what really happens."Before anything else could happen Avni pushed herself forth making sure to barge into Neil, sending him into a whirlpool of emotions. She smirked when she saw him close his eyes at her touch. She walked into her cabin and came running out with curry in her hands and the boys running behind her like mad men into Ashok's cabin. Ashok let out a laugh as they all looked at him he replaced it with a manly cough. "Here is your appointment card for two days just show it to the receptionist and you'll be led in straight away, sorry for any inconvenience and have a safe journey home, bye." They managed weak smiles as he walked into his cabin, screams of laughter, and giggling were heard. For a millisecond Neil turned around to see Avni on Ali's back like a piggy bank eating the curry as Ashok Aman and DD went after him. Bebe placed a hand on his shoulder signalling him to come. He looked one last time before leaving. 

Hey guys what do you think? Let me know in the comment section, would appreciate it, thanks for all the vote and reads means a lot and thanks to those silent readers too. Love you all. Don't forget to comment, vote and follow.

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