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Avni walked into her room. She was tired. She thought she wouldn't have to do this again. That she could finally have a peaceful life. But seeing Neil there awoke her anger;how could he not tell his family what he had done,instead he made me seem like the bad guys. Who the fuck does he think he is? She picked up a vase and chucked it to the floor then picked up the glasses that were by the water jug she threw one at the wall, she fell to the floor as those hurtful words rang in her ears over and over again, she covered her ears with her hands rocking back and forth. Aman and Ali stood in front of Avni's door, Neela had some work at her NGO and had left, they were worried about Avni they had heard a smash and rushed towards her door only to find it locked they were calling her out but no response was given. Ali and Aman together stood back before breaking the door, the looked at her room in shock. What hurt them more was seeing Avni in the middle completely broken, they both ran to her and embraced her tightly offering her warmth. They had never seen her cry before not like this. Avni slowly regained composure and looked at the two "i'm sorry guys, i never wanted you to see that.Its just seeing Neil and his family today re-awoke the anger in me." "Di you have nothing to be sorry for. We will never let you become weak, we will be your support." She smiled at them. She was going to be strong not for herself but for her family, she was going to become the expressionless cold lawyer that will do her job and that's it.


*Two days later*

Avni quickly pulled out her clothes for the day. She made sure to keep her makeup to a minimum, with just mascara and lip gloss to enhance her lips. She grabbed the files she needed and headed downstairs. Aman and Neela were both out. Aman had an early start at college, and him and Karena wanted a head start on a project. Neela on the other hand had a business emergency to take care in Goa so she would be out for a few days. 

Avni looked at her watch, she had an hour to get to work and so she decided to walk,on the way she grabbed a coffee and continued walking  down the streets which were full of life

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Avni looked at her watch, she had an hour to get to work and so she decided to walk,on the way she grabbed a coffee and continued walking  down the streets which were full of life. Suddenly she got a call from Ashok. 

"Yes Ashok, what's up?" "Avni i can't come in today, Aarti is sick and my wife is at work, i'm looking after her so...sorry." "Ashok are you being serious, Neil and his family are coming today and you expect me tackle them on my own." "Avni, calm down, there is nothing that you can't handle, okay?....Just remember to take a deep breath and keep the stone cold demeanour up and you'll be fine. And i promise i'll give you what ever you want." "i want you there." Ashok laughed "Avu, you'll be fine just remember this is strictly business;our job is to give justice to people and its the same thing. Push those other things away and focus on the task on hand." She sighed in annoyance "you totally owe me one." He laughed again causing her to smile "Oi Ashok this is no laughing matter." "Avu i know you, you are trying hard not to laugh." She smiled and quickly before he could be a smart ass again she cut the call. She carried on walking till she reached her destination, walking through she smiled at the receptionist as she stood up. "Good morning Mam." "Morning Anjali, how are you??" "Good, thanks. We have a chilled day today, you only have one appointment today with..." She turned to check "The Khanna family." "Thanks Anjali." She walked towards her office, with her heels brushing against the carpet.  She sat down with a flop before finishing off her coffee, it was going to be one heck of a day. She pulled out the notes she had on the case and studied them whilst eating half a slice of toast. Just then her phone rang causing her to jump in her seat, she hit herself mentally and picked it up "Yes." "Mam the Khanna family is here shall i send them in..."Avni cut her in "No its fine i'm coming down to get them." She stood at the door her hand shaking slightly "Avni your better that this, just focus" She punched the wall " Easier said than done Ashok." She stalked out like a lioness after her prey and faced the Khanna family,  "Please follow me...." She lead them down the corridor and opened the door gesturing them to go in. She turned around with her back facing them taking a deep breath she turned to them realising that Neil wasn't there. Yes!!!!!!!!!!!! She mentally screamed, she did a mini fist pump. "please take a seat." She grabbed a pad of paper as the phone rang "Mam Mr Neil Khanna is here....""Yeah whatever send him up." She had a mini tantrum in her mind as a knock was heard at her door, she sighed getting up and opening it her eyes instantly meeting his. She quickly averted them, but he could tell from her facial expressions that she was not happy to see him. At the same time they both moved to walk,only to end up crashing into each other, her nose getting poked into his chest. She moved back rubbing her nose. She sat in her seat as he did too. His eyes fixed on her. "I'm sorry for Ashok's absence, his daughter is ill and his wife is at work." They nodded in acknowledgement as she began "Okay, so me and Ashok yesterday ran over the case notes and have already began to track down his where abouts, as of now we can't get a direct location however we have an estimation about where he could be, we have phoned up one of our guys and he is currently checking out that location." She looked down at her paper before looking at the again "Also we analysed the dates of which he's attacked Maddy B-...I mean Mrs Maddy Khanna and her daughter Karena Khanna and we found a patter;He's attacking every 20th after two months and so the next attack would in 4 days. We have our best guys on the watch of any suspicion but as off now thats all i can do. Shifting towards the court related stuff, i'll be the one fighting your case...i have had experience in these types of cases before and when i did there was always a lead which could help, Mrs Khanna in the notes mentioned that they lived in the US for quite sometime and so i called in a few favours and found that there are already twenty cases against him all associated with drugs, rape, murder and stealing. With all these combined together his sentence would most probably be life." They looked at her astonished, Neil spoke up "Mrs Khanna...." "Its Miss Ayesha." He looked at her "Let us help you, Avni... You know i'm part of the police force i can help, i want to help... This is after all my family." Randomly Ashok called her she picked it up  "Wh....." He cut her off "Let Neil help you." "W-wh-what how do you know..." He hung up  "Ashok...Ashok...Oh fucks sake. This guy." "Look Mr Khanna i understand that this is you family and all but you need to let me do my job, i don't need your help...." Just then her phone went again she put it on speaker "Talk to me." "Yes Mam, the guy that you asked us to track, we have a definite location, we are sending it you now." She looked at  it and then at the family "Ohh Shit." "Right guys listen to me carefully i want details...track him, follow him do whatever but i need to know what he is planning all the data you can get your hands on give it to me; bank records, what he's buying and all and more importantly i need you to find out about his men...A personal bio on all of them please...." "Coming up Mam.when do you need it by?" "As soon as possible." "I can get it to you by tonight." "That's great, Thanks Abeer." "No Probs Avni." Again the family looked at her in shock as Bebe asked "Avni.. i thought lawyers just fight the case." She looked at the other woman "This company works with agents of the government, we are technically the people that control all the investigations and hence reason why we have access to this type of thing." Prakash spoke next "But Beta isn't that dangerous for you." "Not really Papa ji, We all have training in combat in order to stand our grounds, before this was introduced one of our best lawyers was attacked and killed along side his family so whilst we were studying for our qualifications combat was part of the course...Anyway i'll book you guys in for tomorrow and we can begin to work from their on wards after i get that data." Prakash looked at Avni "Bacha, we know your angry but please for me let Neil join you on the case, my mind will be at rest knowing that your safe."  Like a cheater will be able to protect me she thought , she rubbed her temples as she thought back to what Ashok said Let Neil help you...Show them you don't care....Show them your not affected. She looked at Neil who was already looking at her "Fine. He can help..." Prakash smiled whilst Neil was on cloud 9 "But..." started Avni "He best stay out of my way" "Excuse me Miss Ayesha but who the heck do you think you are..." "I'm Avni Ayesha and your excused." He gritted his teeth, she really had become bitchy. The family then decided it was time to leave and left whilst Neil lingered in her office "Yes Mr Khanna, what can i do for you." "Avni....Please stop with this formality its hurting me." Her eyes flared, he looked at her knowing he had just ignited a fire. "It's hurting you is it....Good...Because that is only a fraction of what i felt Neil...You fucking cheated on me with my own fucking cousin sister, who the fuck does that? Your family insulted me of being a fucking slut, a whore and god knows what else and what the heck did you do?...Nothing. And you want to know why because you are a fucking coward, your an ass, how could you not stand up for your wife especially knowing what i had been through" "Avni..." "No Neil, i walked away from this shit, you...." Tears leaked from her eyes. "You could have just told me you didn't want me, you could have just told me you didn't want to be forced in this relationship, you could have told me you didn't love me." Now that ignited a fire in him, he grasped her shoulder pulling her forcefully towards himself "Don't you dare Avni... Don't you dare... You left before i could explain anything, you left...." "And what did you expect me to do...huh...stay in a family where i was constantly insulted, where i was never accepted just because of what happened in my childhood..How was any of that my fault ? When you saw me and Ali in that position, none of you bothered to let me talk, i tried calling you some many times, seven missed calls and no response, i came to the station but you were to busy to meet your own wife who was puking her guts out. If this.." she gestured between herself and him "is anyone's fault its yours." "Okay fine, yes it was my fault but the whole thing with Rhea wasn't supposed to happen i did that to prove your innocence but i actually ended up drunk and one thing lead to another...it was a mistake." She looked up at him "lies."


Hey guys,what do you think? Do comment, and vote as well as follow. Another special thanks and shout out to all those that have commented, if i haven't got back individually yet i'm sorry and thanks a million. Love you all.

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