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Avni and Neil had reached the hospital not to long after the family as Aman was rushed towards the operation theatre. Avni hated this place. The smell, the way it looked and the feeling it gave. Her heart shivered as flashbacks played on in her mind, her memories haunting her behind her closed eye lids. Her eyes flew open as tears glossed around her eyes. She began breathing hard. She wanted answers. She promised herself to keep everyone safe and she needed to. Wiping at her tears she decided to do something. Grabbing her phone and tapping on Abeer's contact she waited patiently as he picked up, "Abeer bring all the work to the hospital, we have some shit to decode." "Woah woah woah Avu what the hell has happened?" "Aman has been shot." "Avni tell me what you want and i'll sort it out just be with your family, Aman is gonna need you." "Abeer please...i can't..i can't sit here and do nothing, i hate hospitals you know that, i'm gonna break down if i don't do anything. Bring my notebook and the database computer with that USB we put together." "Av-" "That's an order Abeer." Abeer swore under his breath before sarcastically saying "Yes Mam." Avni sat with her hands pressed up against her head, Neil looked at her in astonishment but part of him knew he needed to leave her alone for a while. Within the next twenty minutes Abeer arrived with the things that Avni asked for as she took them and silently began to work. The family didn't know what to say or do. They watched as Avni aggressively typed taking out her frustration out on the key board in front of her. 

She rubbed her temples every time she hit a dead end. This Dev guy was beginning to piss he off. She had no information on him not even a goddamn surname. She messaged Abeer to try and find his name some where. Less the six minutes later she received a message stating that his surname was Raizada. Dev. Dev Raizada. It sounded familiar to her. She had a case related to Raizada's before but surely he couldn't be related to them. She phoned up her client Mr Raizada and asked him only to be told that no one in his family had that name. Another dead end. She huffed in annoyance. She had opened the laptop and ran background searches about twenty times only to be met with another dead end. She was getting pissed off even more, chucking her notes to the floor and dropping the lid of the laptop harshly she placed her head in hands, before looking up to see the operation theatre's light still on. She looked at her family, it was getting late- telling them to go and promising to keep them informed they left Neil, Ali and Rhea opting to stay behind.  Ali had taken Rhea to the canteen whilst Neil looked at Avni who was pressed up against the wall in ball, her head resting on it as her eyes remained closed, her hands trembling. He hated seeing her like this, it was never easy, in fact it hurt him ten times more. He sat up against the wall next to her his hand intertwining with her own shaky ones, instantly Avni lent to one side her head in the crook of his neck as his own eyes dropped down at the peace of just being with her. "Avni you don't have to do this alone." He felt something drop onto his shirt, she was crying, he took her completely in his arms kissing her forehead. 

Two hours had flown past, Rhea plopped down next to Avni, whilst Neil and Ali decided to give them a minute to talk and go enquire about what was taking so long. Rhea stared at the wall in front of her "Do you remember when we were kids, the first time we met? " Avni smiled at the memory, Rhea continued "I had no idea who you were, we met at school whilst you were talking to Ali, we promised to be friends, the three of us.." Avni smile faltered, Rhea continued "It was hard, i was always trying to make Daadi proud of me and i didn't even realise how much wrong i was doing, all i cared about was making her happy. When i first met Neil i was reminded of you. He seemed perfect for you and i never liked him. When you sat at the Mandap you performed your role as my sister, and once again i came and ruined everything for you." Rhea laughed bitterly "And you know what i never did any of it out of spite towards you, i did it out of fear, her and Shweta Aunty had made a pact that they would get you out of the house and i was used as a Pawn to help. Avni i'm sorry..i'm so so sorry. I did this cause i was scared they would find out about Ali, i love him and i couldn't watch Daadi do the same thing she did to Ayesha chachi to Ali i just couldn't..i'm sorry." With that Rhea broke down, Avni took a minute to digest the information before saying "I had forgiven you along time ago Rhea, i never held anything against you, i loved you like my own and i still do, i always wanted a sister, and i saw that in you even despite the way you treated me. And i get it..sometimes you have make sacrifices in love and i would understand that better than anyone, but promise me Rhea you won't break my fatso, he's like Aman to me. So please. " With that Rhea engulfed Avni in a hug as the two girls mourned. For everything. For the countless heartbreaks. For the constant suffering. And For the on going pain. Neil and Ali smiled from a far smiling at each other as the girls broke the hug as Rhea spoke "I want to work on our relationship, i know its going to take time but please give me chance for redemption. " Avni smiled "Of course" She smiled as the two hugged each other again. The boys messaged Neela 'Mission : get sisters united- completed;)' before going up to the girls clearing their throats and sharing one big group hug, the boys squashing the girls. Once they broke the hug Rhea turned towards Neil "I'm sorry Neil, for everything." "Don't be Rhea,let's all just move forward and forget the past together." "Together." They spoke at the same time smiling at each other. 

A few minutes later a doctor walked out of the theatre, all of them bombarding him with different questions, the doctor chuckled at their concern before saying "He is fine, we are just gonna shift him, to a room and we will monitor him. He should wake up soon." They thanked him and Aman was wheeled out and put in another room. All four walked in together as Aman opened his eyes. Being filled in on the situation he smiled at Rhea and looked at Avni who looked like a mess " Di you look like a Zombie. " Ali and Rhea burst out laughing. As Neil soon followed whilst glared at all of them, she pulled Aman's ear before saying "Well what else am i gonna look like after you try and play hero for your lady love." Aman blushed as everyone laughed. Avni quickly excused herself and walked down the corridor. She bumped into another frame before quickly apologising. She smiled "Oh Hi i remember you, your the girl from the market right? " She nodded "How are you?.." "I'm good, thanks for saving me that day...." "Avni." "Lovely name, i'm Mehr." "Same to you, well i'll get going see you around Mehr." Avni looked around for her notes, Laptop and USB. She noticed her notebook was lying open in a corner where she hadn't left it, she looked around for the Laptop, she couldn't even find the USB, she looked around before walking out the hospital seeing it smashed into a thousands of pieces. She crouched down and cursed noticing that the USB wasn't there. She rubbed at her temples. Fuck she thought. 


Authors Note:

HAHHHHHHHHH CLIFFHANGER. Hello guys its been long i miss you all finally on a break so am able to update. Yay. I hope you liked this, do let me know what you think of this chappy in the comments section and don't forget to vote. Gosh Naamkaran has picked up don't you think,  Sayesha is kinda pissing me off i think she's pissing off the entire fandom but yeah.. We have had some Adiza feels recently and i'm getting strong vibes but what the heck..no matter how hard people say that their is nothing there i highly doubt it, like if i was performing these types of scenes i probably end up falling for them so wtf. i have plenty of speculations of our dear Adiza but if u want to discuss than message me and i'll get back to you. Anyway lots of love and hopefully i can't start writing the next update now as well.  

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