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He looked at the Manglesutra adorning her neck. It was the same one he had put around her neck two years ago. Just then Aman walked in and saw the two. "You know..." Neil turned around "When all of this happened me Ali Bhai and DD Bhai told Di to take the Manglesutra off but she wouldn't she kept saying 'No My Neil will come for me guys' and 'Neil could never do that'. I have been told by Neela Ma how important these types of relationships are for Di, she watched our own father not except her and Ma. She's been through too much Neil, she's been hurt too many times, all of us have told her to let go off you and to let the past go but she won't she loves you too much to do that. And i can see the love that you have for Di in your eyes but how can you agree to get married to Rhea...Don't you know she was the one who showed Avni those pictures." Neil's head whirled around "What..R-rhea did this." "Yeah she showed Di them straight after your family insulted Di, once everyone had walked away it was just them two." Neil's fists clenched in anger. Aman walked over to him and pat his back "Your a good guy Neil but please i beg you don't hurt my sister anymore she completely broken she doesn't need someone who is going to walk over the pieces of her heart, She doesn't deserve that, so please make a decision." Aman gave him a small smile and walked out the room as Neil looked at her.

Just then Neela walked in. "How could you Neil?She told me everything. How could you do that to such a innocent child? And on top of that you didn't have the strength to tell me and your own family. Shame on you...SHAME ON YOU." Neela raised her hand but lowered it "You know what your not worth it." Nano entered "Neela Bacha leave it, leave him." Neela turned back to look at Neil. "Get out of my house, isn't this what your family said to My child, well i'm saying it to you, GET OUT."  Neil walked out with tears dripping from his eyes. As he got home he pushed past his family members and walked towards his room.

*the following morning*

Avni woke to a splitting head ache. She rubbed her eyes and got out off bed. As she did she stumbled slightly but regained her composure. She walked towards the shower and stripped down, she turned on the spiking hot water which somehow managed to give her energy. The hotness of the water making her feet red. After a while she stepped out and changed into a striped blouse with tight fitted pants and black heels, she walked towards her mirror sitting down and beginning her makeup, applying concealer,blush and mascara as well as eyes shadow before moving to add red lipstick to her lips. With in minutes she was ready and made her way down the stairs.

 With in minutes she was ready and made her way down the stairs

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She noticed that no one was in. She walked down the stairs and found a note on the fridge. 'Hey Avu, me and Nano have gone to the NGO and Aman has made his way to college there is some breakfast for you if your not running late and Don't forget to have the medication i  have put in your bag all ready-Neela Ma.' She smiled slightly and looked at her watch. "oh shit." She hopped in her car quickly and made her way to her office. On the way she got a phone call "Hey Avu." "Hey Ashok, what's up?" "I can't come in.""Ashok....is everything okay?" "Look Avni i'll tell you soon but now isn't the time." "Okay Bro, take care okay and if you need anything or Bhabi needs something let me know." "Yeah..." He hung up. Well that wasn't weird. She shook her head and entered the car park. She quickly parked making sure it was in the lines before grabbing her hand bag and walking into the office. Anjali stood up "Good morning Mam." "Good Morning Anjali, what do we have today." "Only one appointment, Neil Khanna and the information is here given by Abeer and you have the hearing for case 200 at 5pm." "Thanks." Avni smiled and walked to her office. She sat down and opened the envelop, she studied all of the information and was going to move on to the personal bio's when Neil walked in. "Anyone teach you to knock." "Sorry" "Its fine. Take a seat." He sat. "No one else?" "No not today." She looked at him, "okay so Ashok isn't here however my guys have given me the information and i was just going through it, So far i the Khulbhushan seems to be buying a load of guns recently according to the shop owners it wasn't him directly going there to buy them its been his men. According to receipts i found one for Acid meaning that he's planning and acid attack. I was just going to go through the bio's."  As she was her face turned pale looking at the last one, which Neil noticed "Avni...What's wrong." "This the same guy that attacked me yesterday." Avni sighed an put those things to one side, she turned to the GPS that Abeer had planted on his car. Her eyes widened. "I know i'm going to regret asking but what's wrong?" Avni rubbed her temples "He's coming up this area to the shopping mall" It was Neil's turn to get agitated "I Know i'm going to regret asking..." Neil mentally smiled "but what's wrong?" Finished Avni. "Maddy Bua and Ma are both there and Karena is meeting them there." They looked at each other and at the same time said "SHIT." They pushed there chairs back and ran out. As Avni ran passed she stopped and looked at Anjali causing Neil to halt to "Anjali call Abeer and the back up squad we are gonna need them, send them to these co-ordinates and tell Abeer that they need to go under cover." Anjali nodded, Avni ran on with Neil matching her pace. She took her gun out and slipped it under her blazer with handcuffs. Neil looked at her in surprise "I became part of the police ages ago, why do you think me and DD got so close." He was having one of those moments where everything made sense to him. "But....""Not now Neil, you can ask me one hundred and one questions later." She looked at him after and muttered "till date he hasn't lost the habit of asking question after question." Neil heard this and smiled. She got her keys in the ignition and quickly pulled out, without looking she pulled out fast taking sharp corners and speeding up to 100 mph, Neil grabbed on to the door handle and the other hand was clutching the seat belt "Av--Avni slow down, i don't want to die because my wifey can't drive sensibly." "Neil shut up, this is your family, we don't want to get there too late." She moved gear speeding more. Not bothering to say anything about the  'wifey' thing, he too noticed but took it as a win. 

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