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Neil walked past the family with a fallen Avni in his arms. He didn't look at any on them deep down he knew her couldn't after all he failed to protect her. And this wasn't the first time.


"What is relationship you and Ali share."Questioned Bebe. Avni stood there flabbergasted she never thought Bebe out of all people would question her. But Avni wasn't listening to her, she was looking at Neil "Neil..."She moved forth but Shweta moved in front of Neil "Don't you dare, you whore, don't you dare touch my son, you are not touching my pure son with your impurity. Don't you feel ashamed...My son even after you married him by betraying him was ready to make you his but who would want to make a slut like you theirs. Ali looked at Avni as tears slipped from her eyes. Bebe turned Avni with full force making her face her and slapped her whilst gripping her shoulder so hard that her finger prints remained planted on her sensitive skin. "I thought you were perfect for my Tillu, but you know what, your mother-in-law finally said something right, i don't want you impure filth in my house. get out." Avni looked at her..."I said GET OUT." Avni looked Ali and back at Neil. Ali knew what she was thinking and voiced it. "Avni i know what you are thinking of doing please..." She didn't let him say a word and quickly ran towards her room packing a suitcase but not before turning to look at Neil in disgust.  Ali looked at them "I really can't believe any of you right now, do you have any idea what that girl has been through when she grew up...." "Oi..." Started Shweta "Don't you dare say a word and gets out." Ali looked at Neil as he looked at Neil looked him in the eye. "You know Neil, Ram ji asked Sita ji for an Agnipriksha to prove her innocence, i thought times had changed i never expected you to do the same...i thought you would be the type of Ram that would take the Agnipriksha for your love but you proved not only me wrong but the hope Avni had in you." He looked at the family in disgust before walking out.  

*Flashback ends*

He had reached her room and opened the door by kicking it open. She had become much lighter than before and instantly remembered that Neela ma said that when she thinks she looses her appetite and with the amount of thinking she has to do he wasn't surprised.   Her room to him looked like a bomb had hit the place. He walked towards her bed and noticed a album thrown carelessly, he looked curiously but looked at Avni in his arms he put her on the bed and pulled the covers over her. He crouched down and stroked her hair lovingly looking at her features. His mind went back to the album. He picked it up and looked at the page that it was on. The pictures were of him and her and their best moments. His heart skipped a beat. He looked at the front cover which said 'my best moments' His heart went out to her, deep down she still had emotions which were buried under a cold exterior.  He closed it and placed it by the bed stand. He looked at her once again before kissing her forehead. As he moved away he turned to leave only to find the entire family there staring at them. Bebe and Prakash had wide smiles on there faces, whilst Rhea looked like she had just run out of makeup and Shweta looked no less. Aman had a small smile and so did Ali and DD. Ashok gave him a thumbs up and Aarti mimicked her father. But what shocked him was that Neela was not smiling she looked troubled. Suddenly Avni stirred in her sleep as her eyes slowly opened. Like a little child she rubbed her eyes and moved to sit up. Neil rushed over and helped her propping a pillow up for her to lean on.  She looked at him in a dumbfound way. The rest of the family entered as Nano asked "Moi Bachi, how did all this happen...""Actually Nano i was attacked...i think it was someone related to one of the cases i just don't know who. But i managed to see one of their faces...Don't worry i'll see to it as soon as possible." Neela went to the other side of the bed "I told you Bacha not to do the type of work you do look what has happened you are hurt badly, i swear to god if i ever saw these people i would go after them with a rolling pin." Aarti sensed Avni's condition and started wailing. Ashok tried his level best to calm her down but she wouldn't instead she kept stretching towards Avni. Avni smiled weakly as Ashok said "Avu i think she wants you." Avni stretched her arms as Ashok passed her to Avni. Avni kissed Aarti's cheek and rocked her back and forth putting her to sleep. Aarti snuggled against Avni sucking her thumb. Bebe smiled and praised Avni. "You are really good with kids Avni." Ashok smiled "That's true Bebe, Avni is like a second mother to Aarti whenever me and my wife can't get her to sleep we call Avni and just by singing a lullaby she instantly falls asleep." They all smiled whilst Neil looked at Avni with Aarti thinking what it would have been like if they had a child. He smiled at the thought. Bebe then said "We should get going thank you for your hospitality."Ashok took Aarti from Avni as one by one they all pilled out of Avni's room. As Aman was leaving he said "Yo Di, What do you have against vases." In reply he got a cushion thrown at him. He shook his head "Real mature Di." She stuck her tongue out. Neil witnessed the brother and sister duo and smiled. She kicked back the covers and stood up she walked one step and was about to drop, but Neil caught her in time "Easy there, you've taken a hit to the head, take it easy, just rest." He guided her to her bed making her lay down before once again stroking her hair making her fall asleep. He was moving away when a chain got stuck on his shirt button. He leaned back down and undid the chain from his button, the necklace had come out from her top exposing it self in front of him. It was a manglesutra. 


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