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The night hadn't broken into daylight. The darkness of their past was tormenting them. Avni was awake as Neil reached back into their room both looking at each other with an unreadable expression to those who may have witnessed the encounter but to them, it was something special, something that only belonged to him and her. The basis of their relationship, the foundation of their love. Her eyes were glazed over with unshed tears as she consumed his form that stood frozen at the door. His luscious hair slightly out of place but still managing to maintain its volume, his eyes that managed to captivate her within a millisecond looked tired, as though they were loosing life, she had done that she reminded herself, she was responsible for this. Her gaze swept over his chest and muscular arms; how she wished she could just get up and crash into his chest with no guilt, how she wished she could lay on his chest with his arms caging her in and vanquishing her demons as she listened to the killing of his heartbeat beating aimlessly within its own cage. She wanted him. But she was responsible for his pain.

He looked at her, trying to fathom what was going on in her head. It didn't take him long. He knew she was blaming herself for not protecting their child better, he knew that she thought she was responsible for his condition but she wasn't. He was being extremely hard on himself, training at four in the morning and only coming home after eight in the evening. He was working to the point that when he came home sleep would engulf him with no complaints. His ocean brown eyes swept over her form, her eyes that held him in his times of low were glazed with tears that failed to cascade down her face, her soft lips that he had claimed as his quivered in anticipation, her hands clenched as they watched each other. In all honesty Neil had no idea what to do at this point. He had no idea how to make things better. Reluctantly he released her from his gaze quickly turning of the lights, shutting the door and lying down next to his wife. His body was physically exhausted however his mind wouldn't allow him to sleep as it began to play its torments loudly. Neil looked at Avni, he knew she needed him, her shaken form was proof of that. His hand lay softly on her waist turning her swiftly before pulling her closer. He felt her tense which broke his heart. He contemplated letting her go but decided against it. Slowly her hand lay on his chest as she snuggled closer craving more of the warmth he provided for her dead soul. She breathed in his scent as Neil smiled slightly his heart thudding slightly louder. The queen of his heart reigning over what was rightly hers. The two closed their eyes as sleep consumed the two respectively.

The sun rose on the horizon only a few hours later, the wind chimes that Avni had placed in her room on Neela's accordance where dancing with the soft brushes of the wind; the hues of the ever green sun broke through their curtains spreading towards the couple, Avni stirred as her eyes rolled under her eyes lids grasping more tightly onto what was moving underneath her. Neil hues of hazel were open as they shamelessly swept over his wife's form in awe, she hadn't been this peaceful in a long time and neither had he, even if it was a short sleep the snooze was the most peaceful he had in weeks. His face held a serene nature to it as he was captivated by the true essence of her beauty. His lips pressed into a small smile, as her eyes- an endlessly see of dark chocolate brown met his own light gaze. She was mesmerised by the sight in front of her. Her husband. In all his handsome glory. She felt at peace ever since the incident. She smiled herself. Something she thought she forgot to do. He was her hope as she was his. "Morning" Neil said, huskiness lacing his voice that did things to her body. "Good morning." She found herself whisper back with a small smile. She found herself move forward as she claimed his lips. Neil had been waiting for this, he had stopped himself in fear that he would be pushing her too quickly. He felt her move to sit in his lap as she hungrily devoured his lips the fight of dominance breaking out. They broke apart as tears flew from her eyes. He quickly wiped them away from her eyes shaking his head lightly at her as she whispered "I'm sorry" his head hung in defeat " Avni this is not your fault, this was never your fault. I know that your thinking you should have done more to protect our child but you did everything you could have done. If we want someone to blame it's dayawanti and i promise we will get our revenge but in the right way biding by the law, but I need you to be strong because I can't be strong if you breaks so please..." Avni choked on her sob as her hands wrapped around his neck her head lying in the crook of his neck as she breathed him in. His own hands were playing with her untamed curls as he soothed her, her own voice voicing itself " I'm ready Neil, I don't want to feel like this anymore, I'm so tired and I've mourned as a mother and as a child who was done wrong. But I'm going to fight for you and for our child." He smiled at her. " that's all I ask Avni." She smiled up at him as he claimed her lips again. They were whole again even with the pain they had each other and they were not going down without a fight. Not now or ever. They would vanquish the sworn evil that tormented their lives like a broken record, they would win. Together.

Avni's eyes widened " I need to go back to work." Neil groaned "way to ruin a moment" she smiled shyly " sorry babe but maybe later" she winked at him giving him a final peck before rushing into the bathroom Neil's voice trailing after her " hey can I join you" " Neil" she replied sternly. He sighed " fine, way to ruing the fun." His own smile staying imprinted on his face. Around fifteen minutes later she emerged in her business dress, her hair slightly damp. His smirked up at her as she moved to the mirror putting on some earrings his hands slipping over her waist caging her back to his front his lips trailing over her ears as she stifled a moan. "Neil stop I need to get to work." He placed the magulsutra around her neck kissing it before twirling her around to crash into his chest. He reached for the sindoor and trailed it in her parting. He swiftly kissed her forehead as her hands lay sprawled in his chest. "Mine" he growled. She smirked up at him. " someone is in a romantic mood today." He smiled at her leaning in but he was met with her hand to his face " hit the shower Mr Khanna." He pouted as she laughed. "Bye Hubby." She spoke winking at him. "Bye wifey." He replied totally love sick. She smiled walking away. It was time to get things back on track.

Authors note:
Hey guys, that is if anyone is still here 😂😂 thanks so much for your patience it means a lot honestly. I have finally finished my exams and now I'm finally free for like the next 12 weeks thank god. So I hope you all like this update don't forget to vote and please do comment your thoughts and opinions. Thanks once again.

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