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"It hurts Neil, It hurts so much." Neil looked up at her, as tears slipped from her eyes down her face but for him she looked beautiful when she cried, the cold exterior ripped off and the vulnerable human was exposed, to him it gave him the assurance that she was still human. He knew that he had hurt. He didn't want to. But he did. Despite promising not too. His heart split slightly. "Avni....Look Avni, i'm sorry ...whatever happened wasn't supposed to happen they way it did...And you wouldn't listen to what i had to say....And....And i never meant to hurt you." "STOP RIGHT THERE MR KHANNA, YOU NEVER MEANT TO HURT ME...YOU THINK I'LL BELIEVE THAT BULLSHIT, I HATE YOU....I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU SO MUCH BECAUSE I STILL FUCKING LOVE YOU. BUT YOU HAD TO RUIN EVERYTHING...YOU DESTROYED EVERYTHING INCLUDING ME." She took a deep breath. "For months i thought it was all my fault. That i was the cause of this, that it was my fault...that i wasn't lovable, i cried my eyes for days, cried myself to sleep every night for years and even resorted to self-harm...." They all looked at her in pain. she carried on "But even that pain was insufficient..."She rolled up her sleeves. "And still today...three years after i'm still doing it Neil, i don't know why but these days i seem to enjoy the pain, the pain of everything not just you but everything." She laughed bitterly " i kept telling myself to let you go....over and over again but i could never erase you completely no matter how hard i tried. Your voice, your smile and your damn eyes.  Heart break isn't beautiful, it isn't fucking poetry, its not staying up till 4 am listening to sad songs. Its breaking down in the middle of a bust street. it's seeing that one person constantly, their face always haunting you. It's feeling fine for weeks at a time and then all of a sudden you feel the ghost of their lips on your neck and then your choking on memories of their presence. it's waking up from dreams of them and coming back screaming in the middle of the night because your chest aches. Heart break is fucking shit and i wouldn't wish that type of pain even on my worst enemies. Every time i try to rewrite my story but my tears already smudged the words, clouded my visions and ruined my ounce of hope left. And i'm not trying to guilt you back into relationship Neil...i'm not...because i don't want that from you. Not anymore." She stood there breathing heavily as Prakash walked up to his son. His son. His blood.He had never been so disgusted. "Neil how could you do this?! And on top of that you didn't have the nerve to tell us, i have not raised my son to be like this..."Bebe then stepped in and raised her hand and slapped Neil. "HOW COULD YOU NOT TELL US....HOW? We spent years blaming this girl, saying that she didn't deserve someone like you but in reality its you who doesn't deserve her. Today you have proved that you have Shweta's blood running through you." Neil looked up at Bebe tears slipping from his hazel eyes "Bebe...I'm sorry." "DON'T SAY THAT TO ME..IF YOU NEED TO APOLOGISE TO SOMEBODY THAT IS AVNI. DO YOU EVEN REGISTER THE AMOUNT OF PAIN SHE HAS BEEN THROUGH. HER HEART IS BROKEN NEIL....YOU CAN'T FIX THAT WITH A SIMPLE SORRY AND TO TOP IT OFF YOU DECIDE TO GET MARRIED TO HER COUSIN SISTER!" Neil looked at Avni and rushed towards her, hugging her tightly as she stiffened not reciprocating the hug. "Avni i'm sorry...i'm so sorry...please hear me out as what exactly happened...please." She forcefully pushed him away. " No Neil. Your not sorry you did it, your sorry that i found out. What will you explain? The things that i already knew? If you had told me before that you loved Rhea, then i swear to God after the help you gave me i would of left." Neil looked down at her in shock. "Avni i love you..." "No you don't." She looked away from him and at Shweta and Rhea wiping her tears, bitchy Avni was coming back for round two. "Oh and Mrs Khanna according to the law your son can't remarry."  "That's not true, Oi you girl you let my Tillu go." "Well Mrs Khanna that is true because me and Neil never signed for a divorce. Technically speaking i'm still legally married to your son meaning that i'm Mrs Avni Ayesha Neil Khanna. Your lovely daughter-in-law and according to the law...which i'm surprised your son hasn't told you after all he's always like 'stick to law...don't break the law or you'll be punished' that no one can have more than one wife and so if you were to get your son married again its a criminal offence, wouldn't want your super cheating....oh sorry sorry...Mr super cop Tillu rotting in jail cell now would you?" Shweta's eyes narrowed, "Why you little bi-" Suddenly the door bell rang. Avni walked towards the door opening it to reveal  a police officer, the rest of the family followed by the Khanna's gathered around the door. Shweta snidely retorted "Ohh you must be here for Avni." Avni rolled her eyes and faced the inspector "Sir how can i help you." "Miss Avni Ayesha...." "Told you." But in shweta. Bebe glared daggers at her telling her to shut up. The inspector continued "We have some bad news regarding Mrs Dayawanti Mehta and her son and daughter Ketan and Diksha Mehta." He looked at Avni. "They escaped." Avni's heart stopped. The inspector carried on talking but Avni couldn't hear it, her mind had blocked it out. All she could hear were the sounds of her heartbeat. Her throat became extremely dry as her now clammy hand dropped from the door handle...she walked back slightly, swallowing the lump in her throat. She looked at the family surrounding her until her gaze landed on Neil. Her breaths became heavy, her hands shaking, she became dizzy. She fell to the side but in a heart beat Neil had caught her clasping an arm around her waist. Her eye lids grew heavy despite Neil's desperate calls for her to stay with them. She felt his hands against her face sending jolts of electricity through her before she finally let the black consume her.

Hey guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Its Monday!!!!And here's the next update. So almost everything has been revealed about the whole cheating thingy, but now to add to her lives her past has re-entered. What do you think will happen? Let me know in the comment section below and also tell me what you liked about this chapter too. Thanks and don't forget to vote and follow too!!!!!!!!!  

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