BiJi's Advice

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It was late in the evening, but not quite dark when a driver arrived to pick Saniya from BiJi's house.

She was relaxed and felt quite better after she told everything to BiJi. Thoigh she had met her just a few hours ago, she felt home with her.

With lots of warm hugs and promises to keep in touch, and many enlightening advices, she left feeling warmth and peace embracing her heart. So peaceful that she drifted into a serene slumber on the way.

She was awaken when the driver called out to her and informed that they had arrived. She blushed with embarrassment and thanked him as she got down.

Uncle was curious to know whom she found in the city she was obviously a stranger to. If aunt was also curious, she masked it well with her charade of animosity.

Saniya was never the one to lie. So she decided to share just the more pleasant details of the day with her uncle. She told him that she had found the good old lady while she was taking a walk and her pleasant demeanour made her want to spend more time with her. She even told him about the other women of the house. She apologised to him for making him worried. He brushed it off saying he was glad she made new acquaintances. He even permitted her to pay them visits whenever she wanted and to invite them over.

As soon as she reached her room, she fell on her knees and prostrated before the Almighty with tears of mixed emotions wetting her face. She felt like a man who finds a bottle filled with water after walking for days on hot scorching sand of deserts, thirsty and desperate... Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah... She chanted, not being able to say anything more...

BiJi had advised Saniya to have patience and faith in Allah. She said that if Saniya was honest and sincere with her duties to Allah, her husband, her in-laws, and most importantly with her duties towards her own self... Happiness will find their way to her as a sweet reward.

"Happiness is like a butterfly. The more you chase it, the more it will run away from your reach. But once you stop running after it, it will come to you and softly sit on your shoulder.", BiJi had said.

She understood that all she had gone through was a part of a test. It was all an epidode of the whole play Allah had planned out so very wisely.

"Just submit all your griefs, worries and insecurities to Allah; and Allah will be sufficient for you.", she said. And once Saniya resolved to do that, she felt herself relax knowing that her life was in the best of hands.

BiJi advised Saniya to find something to do and try to make something out of her life. She had said that her experienced eyes could detect a clever and talented person resident in Saniya. It would be a shame if Saniya's gifts were not put to good use, she had said.

After thinking a lot and revisiting her soul, going through all the dreams and ambitions she had nurtured all her life, she found exactly what she wanted to make out of herself. She thanked Allah again for His guidance.

She prayed 2 Rakah of Salath-ul-Istekhara, prayed for enlightenment and slept in anticipation of a new and brigher morning....

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