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I was up too early that day. In fact, I barely slept. That's how nervous I was about the interview.

All I had running in my mind, was physics. I brushed all the basic formulae, solved some more problems, and gone through my notes on the chapter I was going to give demo class for. I even threw a glance on other chapters in case they plan to surprise me. Whatever I did, as much as I studied, I was never satisfied. It was like going to write another annual examination for me.

I've been working on my notes with such concentration, that I didn't catch the noise of someone up and about in the hall. I was pacing up and down the length of my room with a book in hand and loudly explaining some topic to my imaginary students with exaggerated gestures; when a couple of impatient knocks pulled me back to earth.

It was Zahid, standing at my door with an irritated expression on his face, all dressed up for work. I gasped and face palmed herself as I realised that I had forgotten to prepare breakfast and pack lunch for him.

"Shit!"; "Sorry.. I mean sorry I just forgot... umm I will prepare your breakfast in 5 minutes. Please wait.", I blabbered and ran towards the kitchen.

I had no time to make curry. So I decided to settle on making two chapatis and an omelette along with tea for Zahid.

Zahid followed me in the kitchen and sat on the chair near the kitchen counter, typing away furiously on his laptop.

The pressure of being late and Zahid's presence in the same room escalated my nerves ten folds. The constant drumming of Zahid's fingers on the keyboard only added to it; making it impossible for me to concentrate on the task at hand.

To my horror, I had not even prepared the dough last night. I wished there was bread at home.

I quickly put two fistfuls of dough in a mixing bowl and started preparing it. I hand jolted and excess water fell in the dough. I gasped and my eyes flew at Zahid who just ignored me. I grabbed another bowl from the cabinet and started preparing the next batch deciding to deal with the previous one later. After more efforts than usual, I finally prepared the dough successfully.

I placed a bowl with water with tea leaves on a stove and a pan for chapatis on the other.

I kneaded the dough swiftly, rolled it out and in, then pinched 2 tiny balls out of it. The smell of something burning hit my nose reminding me of the tea. I rushed to it, reduced the flame and added milk as well as sugar. Then I ran towards the dough and started rolling chapatti. As soon as I placed my first chapatti on pan, I realised that it had heated too much and the chapatti stuck to the pan. I quickly snatched a spatula from the stand and detached it, flipping over the chapati. Then I took a towel and pressed the chapatti slightly while rotating it. I applied oil to it, flipped it over again, pressed it and placed it on a plate. I reduced the flame slightly and began working on my second chapati. A low simmering sound of a liquid falling on some hot metal drew my attention towards the tea once again. I ran to its rescue, further lowering the flame and swiftly mixing it with a spoon. I had no chance to sigh in relief as I noticed the chapatti burning on the pan. I snatched it away and crushed it lightly to remove the tiny burnt dots, burning my hand in the process. Now I took a small bowl, broke an egg into it and whipped it with a fork whole adding salt and pepper to it. I put oil on the pan and then added the egg mixture to it.

Finally, somehow, I had succeeded in preparing the 'amazing' breakfast. I served everything before Zahid whose irritated look showed that he was not unaware of all the stunts she played with his food in the span of hardly 10 minutes.

He lifted the chapaties with a scrunched face with two fingers and rotated them, 'admiring' their 'beauty'. He gave me a disgusted look and began eating. He had hardly put a morsel in his mouth than he spit it and said, "Have you put a fistful of salt in this omelette?" He took a glass and gulped down the water. Then he took his tea cup and, no longer had he taken a sip than he spat it all in the sink and rinsed his mouth furiously. "What the hell?", he screamed menacingly, collected his belongings and bolted out of the kitchen and out of the house, sat in his car and sped off; while I stood there baffled.

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