A Handful

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Saniya's life had become more tiring since that day. Zahid left no chance to hurt her or annoy her. He made sure she felt like thrash.

He ordered her around and passed mean comments. When he learnt about her new job, (yes, she got that job at MC) he said, "Whoa! Greedy much? I guess my money isn't enough to satisfy you, ha?"

She tried to avoid him at all costs. But that was extremely difficult because Zahid called for her every now and then for things like, "I can't find my socks." "My tea has gone cold. Heat it up again." "Get me the file from the table across the room." He started to dirty his room on purpose, spilled water, tea or juice on the floor and got her to clean. He had instructed the servants strictly not to enter his room. It was supposed to be spick and span everytime and anytime he came and.. yes, by Saniya. If she objected, he would say,"Oh! Isn't that what 'the' Mrs. Zahid Abdul Jabbar should be doing? Taking care of her husband's belongings and needs?" in a sickly sweet manner. How could sweet be sick, you ask? Just add lemon juice to chocolate syrup or hot chocolate to find out!

Saniya knew this battle could be won only by silence and patience. She had no idea why Zahid loathed her so much. It wasn't her who wanted this marriage. It's not like she had forced Zahid to marry her. She never even knew why she was married to Zahid instead of Ryan, in the first place. She had accepted everything life threw towards her.  She knew it was all a part of Allah's extended plan. She had faith that Allah won't plan anything harsh for her. She prepared herself for the Jihad every morning and prayed hard for strength every night.

Her days got over scheduled, thanks to Zahid and MC. Sometimes she regretted taking the job but she knew that was the only thing that held together her ego and dignity which was attacked constantly by Zahid. More than the work load, it were Zahid's words which took a toll on her and pushed her to the limits. If she snapped, he would throw harsher words her way and it would lead to a disgusting bicker. So she avoided it like plague to keep the little traces of peace in her life. Thus, patience and silence were her only weapons and dua, her aid.

Mr.Ghouse at MC did nothing to help her. He was a workaholic, no work-maniac, a monster in disguise. He was always at the college from 6:30/7 am to 11/ 12 pm. He went to college even on sundays and also took classes after the weekly tests (every sunday). He never allowed holidays to his staff. Festivals or other government holidays meant nothing to him. Many a times, she wondered if he even had a family or he left everyone behind to run MC. Plus, setting 2-3 different question papers every week for different grades and sections and making lecture notes every sunday for the upcoming week! AllahuAkbar!

"Please forgive Zahid and Ghouse sir and give them Hidayah. Please give me the strength and sabr (patience) to pass all the trials you lay down before me. Please, Allah ji be pleased with me and make me pleased with you.", she would pray..

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