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"Ms. Tiffany Sheila August, mother  of three biological children, mother of 13 children that god has sent her way. Biological grandmother of 1 and an unborn child. Grandmother of 10 children that god has sent her way. She fought a long battle of cancer but god called her and told her it was time to go home. She was great in many ways and she is resting in heaven with all of gods angels smiling down on us.  So don't weep or sorrow, instead smile because she is no longer in pain and she is finally free."

There wasn't a single dry eye in the building. Sniffling and weeps were heard throughout the church.

Chresanto laid with his head on the women he truly loves chest. The woman who was always there for him even if he'd done her wrong. He weeps that his mother is gone. The woman who birthed him,his sister and his brother that rests in heaven along with her. He is completely broken. Two pieces of him gone. The woman who he wants to spend the rest of his life with is hurt and it hurts him to know that he's the one who hurt her. His mother leaving him to figure out life by himself and to walk across the long road ahead of him by himself.

Yn held her slightly round baby bump and held her weeping 2 year old in her arms rocking her back and forth trying to comfort herself,her children and the man she loved. She had to be strong for all of them. She's saddened by the fact that her babies will have to live without their grandmothers because one who pursued the mother role for her was now resting in heaven. While her biological mother was nowhere to be found sprung off of drugs somewhere.

Lee sat with her hands in her lap fumbling with her fingers. Her lips bursting to tell Jacob her big secret but she's terrified of what he'll say. He may not want her after what he tells her and may not want to even be around her.

Jacob(prince) sits behind his shades torn. He wants to know what's wrong with his girlfriend that's holding this big secret from him. He wants to know but is indecisive if whether it would be good for him to know. His second mother figure in his life is gone. vanished from this earth. A small piece of him gone too.

Ray struggling to fight back the tears into his eyes. He was mad. Mad at himself for not cherishing his second mother figure until she was gone.Many times she told him to visit but he never found the time. He starts thinking of when his time would come, would he be remembered? 

Star holds her sleeping child close to her chest while holding Rays hand. She also has something to tell him. She'￶s sick physically and emotionally. She suffers from sickle cell amnesia which she found out she had recently. Doctors tell her she wouldn't be able to bare anymore children. She fears that when she tells Ray he would leave her for another woman who could have his kids.

Bajah knows what she'￶s doing is wrong but she can't help it. She's been cheating on Jacob with one of his friends and she's sleeping with her friends boyfriend. She wants to stop but she can't. She loves two men. Jacob and Mike.

Jacob (latimore) oblivious to everything going on around him he plans on proposing to the girl he see's his self marrying. He's so in love that he's blind by the things that happen before his eyes. The distantness. The random calls in the middle of the day and much more but he completely trusts her and continuously makes excuses for her.

India knows her boyfriend is cheating. She's playing dumb and holding off until the right time. She doesn't know who the girl is but when she does she wants her to feel her pain. She just wants to be loved. Used so many times she's sick of it. She wants it to be all over but she can't. There's one person who will always have conditional love for her. Her son. She does it for him. She lives for him.

Mike's guilt is killing him inside.He wants to stop what's happening but he can't. It's not because he loves Bajah. It'￶s because she's like an addiction. His love for India is strong but not strong enough to make him stop.

Diggy and Love are doing great together and are hoping to expect another child soon.Their love for each other is unbreakable and may soon get too unhealthy. They hurt watching their friends crumble to pieces around them but need o stay stable or else they will be right along with them.


I want to say thank you to everyone who not only reads my book but who also comments,votes and follows me. You guys are my inspiration to write. I have grown as a writer because i have grown myself and I have grown my writing passion. This was my very first book on Wattpad and im happy it's finally finished. I can say that now my books will be deeper and better than how ive been writing before. So without further holdup.....

Sequel ?


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