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I finally finished unpacking. It took almost an hour, but it is done at last. I glance out the window to see the gradient sky already creeping into the faint darkness. It's like gazing at a watercolor canvas with all of the dark purple and red colors. The sun has sunk into the ground completely, remaining only a hint of yellow behind. It's quite pleasant to admire.

Naturally, I walk towards my white curtains and pull them together until they are closed tightly, hiding the wonderful creation that was painted in the sky.

Suddenly, flashes of my professor arise back to life in my cluttered mind, like as if this one reminder was useful information to commemorate. I catch a glimpse of his indistinct eyes hollowed out and blackened from the deep shadows. I'm able to distinguish his square jaw that curves beneath his perfect lips. I still can't forget the way his cheek bones declined out from his deep eyes then flattened his cheeks straight down. His low voice rumbles and echoes through my distracted memory loud and clear. It's almost as if we are located in the same room again.

He is so hot! I melt from the flashback.

His indigo suit fitted him so admirably on his muscled body, squaring sharply at his broad shoulders and slimming down his torso where his vest presses onto his black belt. I've never felt so jealous of apparel before.


How am I expected to focus in class with a man like that? Although, I really shouldn't keep daydreaming about him. I'm sure he's married with a baby on the way. Why waste my time?

I am startled when my door opens. A girl with blonde, shiny hair and blue eyes strolls in. She smiles when she spots me, like as if she just approached her own surprise party.

"Oh, hey!" She greets with her lip gloss smile while setting down her keys on her new bed. "I would've been here earlier but I got lost. You must be my roommate!" Her eyes light up. "Wow! You're so pretty! And so skinny and tiny!"

"Uh, thanks." I brush my hair behind my ear awkwardly while considering if she meant that as a compliment or not.

Not the first time I've heard that.

Several occasions, I've had women encounter me with, 'You're so skinny!' Each time always carried a different meaning. One occurence would be aimed as a compliment, the other would be directed as an insult, followed by advice for me to consume food, as if I don't.

Yes, at times it would irritate me, but the repetitive approach just became adaptable. I accustomed to it in no time and would appreciably smile while thanking them. My attack always was to kill them with kindness. It hadn't ever failed me once.

I hold my hand out and introduce myself. "I'm Rosie." My voice is unfamiliar and higher than it usually is. This tone is my first impression voice. I typically approach people with this tone until I am comfortably acquainted with them. Generally, this inflection encounters newcomers, such as customer service or ordering pizza.

"I absolutely love that name!" She then clasps my hand and welcomes, "I'm Juliet." She immediatly gasps and asks, "Did we just become best friends?" Followed from that is a small giggle that hiccups in her throat.

She is undoubtedly bubbly. It must be favorable to be that energized while flashing smiles right and left.

It's not that I oppose from her energetic personality, it's just that I'm more laid back. I have been informed repetitively that I am such a happy being, but a mild, happy being.

She smiles brightly and answers her own question. "Yes! We are going to have so much fun together!" Her voice is squeamish like a little girl, kind of like mine, but pitcher. With each word she speaks, there's a tremendous amount of hope and joy that shines through.

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