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He pisses me off. How many times have I warned him and threatened him to stop with his wicked games? He believes that he has every right to ignore my desires and just choose his. Well, if he really thinks that he's going to get away with his stubborn behavior, then he's completely wrong and ridiculous. I've had enough of him.

I exhale while staring at the beautiful night scene. I perch on the window seat of my hotel room, viewing the stunning Eiffel towel off in the distance. Its lights twinkle brightly.

Why couldn't he just listen in the first place? Instead, he ruined this beautiful trip that I could be enjoying. I was so thrilled to come here, I was so excited to see the museum and the Eiffel tower and everything here. However, I can't seem to enjoy it because he ruined any chance of it. He keeps poking in on my mind and bothering me with what he's done. Why couldn't he just fucking listen?

He also lied to me. He lied to my face about keeping it PG on this trip. That's probably the largest thing that upsets me. He lied.

There's a knock on my door. My roommate rises from her bed to answer it, leaving the TV loud and clear. She had just finished in the shower, allowing her spotted pajamas and wet hair to reveal that. I've never seen her before this trip. She doesn't talk much. She just stays on her phone a lot. Fine by me.

There's mumbling at the door before my blonde roommate turns her body halfway to look at me, exposing Dean in his black sweats and T at the doorway. "He says he needs to talk to you about a recent assignment." She informs while holding the door open.

I roll my eyes. "Tell him I said to leave, please."

She raises her eyebrows as if she were surprised that I am disrespecting a professor. She then turns to face him before he walks past her towards me.

I jump out of the seat so that I stop him from coming in any further. "I told you that I'm not changing my mind about you." I fold my arms over my gray T-shirt.

He exhales with his puppy eyes. "Rosie," he pouts softly.

I frown. "Please, leave." My eyes gesture towards the open door where my roommate watches us curiously.

"Can you just hear me out." He suggests while placing his large hand on my shoulder.

I shrug it off aggressively while marching towards him so that he is forced to back up out of the room. We step into the hall as I shut the door behind me.

"Are you being serious right now?" I whisper roughly. "My roommate is in there. You can't be just coming in like a sad, pathetic ex-boyfriend begging for forgiveness." I snap.

He swallows hard while his eyes soften. "Is that what I am? Your ex?"

I narrow my eyes. "Dean, we were never anything before that. We were just fuck buddies; friends with benefits. Nothing more. If anything, you forced me into something I'd rather not get into, even after the amount of times I told you no. But your stubborn ass just keeps getting exactly what you want when you want. I told you, I'm done." I hiss while turning my shoulder back towards my door.

Suddenly, I am forced to face him from the tug of my shirt. His lips press into mine as his hand grips my collar while the other holds the small of my back.

I exhale while sinking into the sensation as I surrender. How does he always do this?

I quickly remember that we are in a public location with half of the college here. Fury lights back up inside me, allowing me to remember why I was mad.

I push him off of me with a gasp. I frown at him. "This is exactly what I was talking about! We're in the hallway of a hotel full of students and professors!" I shout quietly, my face heating up. "Stop acting like you can just get whatever you want. I told you that I'm done with you. I don't want to see you anymore. Get out of here!" My palms smack his firm chest.

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