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My feet briskly pace me around in a circle as I chew on my thumb nail. My other hand picks at my tank top strap.

What do I say? What do I do? Will they believe me?

My breathing rises while my fingers scatter through my hair impatiently.

It doesn't look obvious, right? Our story seems legit.

The door opens suddenly and unexpectedly, startling me like a gunshot would. I can't make out who's at the door. They're so fuzzy and smudged out from my vision. I slightly squint while my heart races even more, my thighs tingling until they are numb. Before I am aware of it, everything turns black.

* * *

There are quiet mumbles during my awakening, though I cannot make out the words to them.

Briefly, I am completely perplexed and dazed without reason. I cannot remember what happened last.

I open my eyes for an explanation to see a crowd of faces watching me. Their expressions light up when they catch me staring at each of them. It takes me a moment to realize that I am laying down on the floor with a pillow beneath my head. I assume I'm in my hotel room.

Half of these people, I don't recognize at all. Some of them, I am familiar with. Kneeling beside me is Alex. On the other side is one of the major chaperones. They both examine me cautiously.

"We were just about to call the ambulance." Alex grins at me warmly. She exhales a relief while placing her hand on my shoulder.

I slowly blink. "What happened?" My muffled voice asks.

"You fainted." Alex replies while rubbing my shoulder.

"Your roommate opened the door and that's when you collapsed." The chaperone adds sternly, explaining the situation as if this always happens around him.

Gradually, I push myself up from the floor, supporting my hands behind me. I begin to examine all of the stunned faces around me.

Suddenly, I remember everything. I remember last night and this morning and the reason I was fearing for my life.

I fainted because of everyone here. They still don't know why I was gone.

My eyes spot Dean. He stands behind the chaperone with his hands in his pockets. His eyebrows are straightened above his dark eyes and his lips are pressed into a hard line. He seems displeased.

I avoid his look by glancing back at Alex frantically, trying to remember the excuse I have to use.

Crap, what was it again?

"Is that why you were gone this morning?" Alex asks generously.

I tilt my head, signaling for her to explain more.

"Because you weren't feeling well?" She adds.

I freeze, jumbling every excuse I have in mind until my shoulders slouch peacefully.

That's it. There's my excuse.

"Oh, yes." I nod. "I kept getting these awful migraines and my stomach was just sickening. So I went to see a doctor. He said I was fine, to just take some medicine, and I did, but I guess it wasn't enough." I shrug while silently appreciating my fake story. The words just came to me. This has to be believable.

Alex puckers her bottom lip while cupping both of her hands on her chest sympathetically. "Aw, you poor thing!" She opens her arms and hugs me. After she releases, she keeps her hands on my shoulders to search my face. "You need to stay in bed today."

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