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I'm directly piercing my right ear with a pearl while watching my reflection cautiously. I already have everything ready for today.

Julie cholerically groans from her adequate bed and forces her pillow on top of her head after her alarm sounds.

I frown at her. "Don't you have class today? It's Wednesday, you know?" I inform while folding my arms like a middle-aged mother lecturing her daughter. I then mumble, "Be glad you have off days rather than a daily schedule."

Last night, she didn't return until around 2 AM. What the hell was she doing up that late?

She groans again.

I relax into my right leg and sigh. "It's the second day, Julie." My eyes roll before I quickly add, "And where were you last night? You got here late." I run my fingers through my hair while staring back at my reflection.

She sits up, her hair like a rat's nest and her skin ghostly. She faintly stares blankly into space and responds quietly, "I was out. . .with friends." Her eyes close while she sits in place, absorbing as much lethargy as she can in a couple of seconds.

My jaw drops apprehensively. "Friends?" I smile. "Oooo, what friends?" I rest my hand on my hip while waiting for her response.

I'm sure she was out with more than just friends. Granted, she might of found a few girlfriends to linger around with, but I'm sure she had a few other buddies with her. "Buddies."

I smirk at her.

"It's not what you're thinking." She utters through a yawn. She blinks slowly and claims, "We're just friends."

I sure haven't heard that before. My friend, Stacey, back in my hometown, had said the same thing with a guy she hung out with during sophmore year. They have been dating ever since.

"Say what you want, girl." I chuckle while glancing back at the mirror. I fix my white tank top by tucking it more into my high-waisted, denim skirt. "Who is he anyway? A senior?" I wink at her.

She slides her feet over to the side of her bed, her heels reaching the ground now. "No. He's a sophomore." She rubs her eyes with her fists. "Although, he almost looks twenty-four."

I lean my hip up against the dresser so that I'm facing her. "Cute?" I quiz.

She smiles while nodding her head. "Definitely."

"My advice," I begin while pushing myself away from the dresser. "go for it." I fetch my bag and swing it onto my shoulder. Suddenly, I spot my shoe lace laying on the ground, untied.

"Really?" She rises. "You think I have a chance?" Her hand scratches her head.

I kneel down to tie the free lace on my brown combat boot. "It's not about chances, Julie." The laces wrap into bunny ears. "It's about just going for it." My fingers pull my white socks up tighter until it's two inches above my boots. I glance up, "We're in college. Let's just live a little." I jiggle my shoulders at her in an impudent gesture.

She nods her head slowly, processing my words into consideration. "Yeah. You're right."

After rising to my stance, I smirk and egotistically reply, "Of course I am."

The clock now reads 6:51 AM. I should be heading to art now. "Well, have fun in English." I announce before leaving the room.

As I walk towards class, I begin to think about my animate advice. I am equitable in this scenario. After all, this is college. People are just careless and young and happy. College is not only suppose to be stressful, but it also should be exhilarating. Some of the best stories are made here. It's time I start contemplating less and just start doing more.

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