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  The breeze is comfortable under the obscure tree this evening. It is already 6 PM and my first day of college is officially done and over with. The day wasn't exactly awful. Despite the aberrant glances from Professor Collins, I enjoyed  my classes. I only had to review syllabi, which was pretty relaxing.

  I exhale while watching the sky transition into a luminous red. The scenery is such a beautiful view here on this large campus. I'm glad I chose this elegant spot.

  I willingly relax my head against the tree while closing my eyes pleasantly.

I could get used to this.

"Mind if I join you?" A shadow casts over me. His low voice startles my tranquility.

I open my eyes to see Blake gazing down at me with a welcoming grin. What's he doing here? Not to put this in a harsh way, but we are not friends. There has to be a better place he can be than here.

"Um, go ahead." I pull my book bag closer to me for him to sit.

  To be honest, I don't wish for him to be present with me. This was one time of the day where I can be composedly alone. However, declining his welcome would be too rude of me. I just don't have the heart to say no.

  He sits down with his knees propped up while resting his forearms on them. After an exhale, he asks, "Stunning view, isn't it?" He squints at the sunset.

  I stare at him for a moment. "Yeah." My head turns away inadequately. This is just to odd for him to be here. I don't even know his last name. What am I suppose to say?

I then happen to notice his duffel bag beside him, giving me a great idea for small talk to make this less awkward. "You play a sport?" My finger traces a circle in the grass.

"Football." He replies while still watching the sunset tranquilly. "It's my second year here playing."

  I huff and shake my head at the ground. He's a football player here.

"What?" He asks after catching my expression, his face puzzled and quizzing my feature with curiosity.

"Nothing." I reply softly at him as a way of biting my tongue. I'd rather not start anything.

  I'm not sure why he is trying to befriend me. He's a jock. I know how this ends. Bottomline: he's a complete douche.

"What is it?" He asks again, straightening up more as he challenges me.

  I roll my eyes. "You. Guys like you don't talk to girls like me often." Besides, shouldn't he be with the cool kids? I'm definitely not one of them.

  I was never a "cool kid," but I also was never a shy one either. Everyone knew my name. There were unfamiliar students that would greet me in the hallways and students who would gladly talk to me during class. However, I don't consider myself one of the "cool kids" because I was never apart of the clique. I preferred to hang out with maybe four or five people each day. Not once did I party nor do drugs or even find myself getting with the trend of the month. I was apart from all of that. I wasn't cool, but I wasn't boring either.

"Guys like me?" He chuckles as he points at his chest like I've insulted him.

"Yes. You know, jocks." I shake my head at the ground disapprovingly.

"First off, I'm not a jock. I'm not like those other assholes." He narrows his eyes at me. "Let's not play with stereotypes here."

  I peek up at him, allowing him to continue.

"And secondly, I doubt that all the jocks ignored you in high school." His head tilts to the side as he smiles, accusing me of some type of treat for the boys.

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