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It's around 8 PM on a Friday night. Blake has promised me a good time. He has informed me that we will be attending a party. I do hope that he is right about the thrill of partying.

I apply more lip gloss on. Blake should be here at my dorm any minute now. He shouldn't be lost.

As if on cue, there is a knock on the door.

I open it to see Blake. I can smell his mint fragrance. It's a comforting welcome.

"Ready for the night of your life?" He asks with a satisfied grin.

"It better be worth it." I inhale.

"It is." He smiles wide before gesturing to follow him.

As we walk, I imagine the amount of people I will be hanging with. I imagine making friends and getting into trouble. Tonight is going to be a lot of fun.

We make it to his white Camero shortly and climb inside. It smells like pine in here and is oddly very neat.

After I fasten my seat belt, I ask, "So how far is this place?"

"Not far." He replies while putting the vehicle in drive. "It's in town about ten minutes away from here. This dude throws the raddest parties ever, believe me."

He convinces me enough to make me feel a bit excited now. I have a good feeling that I will have a lot of fun tonight. I smile at the thought.

After a moment, he mentions, "If you're not doing anything Monday evening, I can give you your next 'lesson.'" He smiles. "I have another place you have got to see."

"You must be a local here to know so much about this city." I observe while tilting my head.

"Actually, yes." He nods his head. "I've spent my entire life here in Manhattan."

"That's amazing. I grew up in a small town a few hours away." I inform.

"Nothing wrong with small towns. I prefer them actually. They're quiet, nice, less traffic." He shrugs while watching the road.

"I guess it is pretty nice." I agree. I then add, "What place did you want to take me Monday?" I ask before I stop him from answering. "Oh, wait! I have lessons with Dea-Professor Collins. He offered to tutor me starting Monday."

He raises an eye brow at me and then glances back at the road.

"What?" I snap.

"Nothing." He shrugs.

"Tell me." I demand.

He's quiet for a moment. He then replies, "It's just that this is getting weird now, don't you think?" He glances at me. "I mean, him. He's all over you."

I frown. "That shouldn't bother you."

"I know. And it doesn't. I just think it's kinda odd, personally." He admits.

I roll my eyes. "It is not." I agrue. "He noticed that I'm not that good at math and he offered to help. That's it. End of discussion." I feel my cheeks heating up.

He does not need to ruin the night for me already. He has no say in any of this. It's not weird. He's a professor doing his job. Ugh!

He remains quiet now. I bet he's also not willing to ruin the night. Good choice.

* * *

The rest of the short ride was quiet. Neither of us wanted to speak after that argument. That's alright. I'm over it now. Tonight, I just want to let loose and have fun.

We walk through the doors of a mansion. This is probably the largest house I've ever seen.

Inside, people are crowded, bouncing to the beat as they cheer. There are neon lights and provocative clothing and glow sticks. The bass is heavy with dubstep. It smells strongly of alcohol and marijuana in here, I can practically taste it. This is definitely not the house party I was expecting.

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