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Everyone has left the classroom. Everyone except me. I sit in my desk patiently, watching him as he shuts the door. The room is completely silent now. I have English in an hour. This better be quick.

Striding back towards me, he locks his eyes with mine, his expression dull and loaded with agitation. He stops in front of me with his hands folded on his lower back. He seems so sharp and tall in his dark blue suit.

I lower my head. Maybe I was too rough on him earlier. I shouldn't have said that. He's been so kind and secure to me. Why would I take advantage of that?

Maybe I'm also upset about us. I'm upset that we can't be together. However, I know it's for the best and I know that he's got to be aware of that. I'm sure he loves his job more than he does being with me.

Either way, there should be no reason for what I said. Then again, he was acting childish. He wouldn't listen to me. He just kept going off and arguing with me. What else was I suppose to do?

"Look at me." His low voice demands sharply.

I watch my fingers tap on the desk. I don't want to look at him. I'm feeling a lot of things right now and anger is one of them.

"Look at me, Miss White." He demamds again, his voice a bit louder.

With an exhale, my eyes meet his. He watches me for a moment.

"Your behavior today was unacceptable." He leans back until his fingers meet the edge of his desk. He waits for my response.

I stare at him. The light from the window casts over his left side of his body and part of his face. His skin glows from the sunlight, the other half darkens to one color in the shadows.

"I didn't mean it like that." I object.

He tilts his head. "Then what was it like? What were you trying to say?" His eyes narrow. "Because I think you meant every word. Is that what you think of me? A child?" His voice grows.

Oh no, he's really angry now. I didn't know I upset him this much.

"No," I shake my head, searching for a good defense. "I just thought that you were acting a little bit immature. You started to attack Blake for no reason."

"For no reason?" He repeats immediatly. "Rosie, he brought you into a danger zone." He pushes his jaw forward. "Those men could have really hurt you!"

"But they didn't because Blake stopped them!" I stand up quickly, squeezing my fists by my side.

"Yeah, but it would've never happened if he hadn't brought you there in the first place." He snaps, pushing himself away from his desk.

"It was my idea, Dean!" I point at my chest. "I asked him to take me somewhere fun." My teeth grind together. I then walk around my desk to stand in front of him. My head tilts back a tad bit so I can look up at him.

"He had plenty of choices." He growls quietly between us.

I sigh. "Dean," I whisper, catching my breath from the argument. "please." I close my eyes. I'm too exhausted right now.

"What?" He narrows his eyes. "You just want me to forget about this?"

I huff. "Yes! It's in the past now. Just leave it alone. What's it going to take for you to just drop it already?" I plead.

He inhales slowly before exhaling through his nose. He quietly responds, "It's going to take a lot. How am I suppose to know it won't happen again?"

"Dean. It won't, believe me. I don't ever want to go through that again." I shake my head. "What can I do to assure you of that?"

"Behave." He growls. "And not snap at me in the middle of my class." He adds.

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