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  Back at my dorm, my ass hurts to sit on. So I rest on my stomach on my bed while continuing my sketch from earlier.

  I kick my feet back and forth in the air behind me.

  Dean's lesson was nice today. Real nice. I'm definitely not talking about math.

  Maybe he won that round instead. To be fair, that was probably the best punishment I've ever recieved. Only Dean.

  I keep promising myself to not have sex with him again, but I can't help myself. My libido is the blame, actually.

  My phone buzzes once next to my sketchbook. To my surprise, it's from Dean.

What does he want? To whoop me numb again?

  I smile as I open the message.

"I have just finished grading papers. Meet me at my place now." It reads.

  I swallow hard. I must have received a low grade on the last assignment. I felt so confident on it though, I was sure it would get an A.

  Sliding off my bed, I grab my keys and leave.

* * *

  I knock on the door with my hand shaking.

Haven't I had enough punishments for the week?

  I can't even feel my rear anymore besides the burning pain he left me. I can't take it anymore.

  The door opens to a lady with a blue shirt tucked into cakis underneath an apron. Her hair is pulled back also.

She smiles and welcomes, "Come in, Miss White."

  I give her a polite grin as I walk in.

"Would you like anything to drink?" She offers politely.

"No thank you." I grin.

   She nods her head and informs, "Mr. Collins will be with you shortly." She walks past me into the kitchen.

   I casually walk towards the living room and stare out the large glass wall. Outside, the sky falls to a faint blue. Normally, I would be under my tree at this time. Instead, I'm going to get punished again. By the end of this, I'm not going to have a butt anymore.

"Glad you could make it." Dean's voice startles me. I turn on my heel to face him.

  My body begins to quiver as butterflies flutter in my stomach again. I force a smile.

"So, you graded my paper?" I cut right to it.

  He grins. "Yes." He walks towards me.

  I back up slowly. "What was it?"

"It was your best yet. You scored a ninety-eight." He stops and slides his hands into his pockets.

  I smile. What a relief!

"Really?" My voice squeaks.

  I'm horrible at math. This is really good of me, especially that high.

  He chuckles. "Yes. Good job. You've been working hard in class and during our sessions. See what hard work gets you?"

  I smile. "Yes. Thank you for helping me. I appreciate it."

"My pleasure." He grins.

  My face twists after a moment. "So, that's why I came here? To find out my good grade in person?"

  He chuckles. "No, well, yes. Actually," he strides towards me and places his hands around my waist. He mutters seductively between us, "I wanted to congragulate you in person."

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