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Dean and I walk down town during this beautiful, clear night. The air is brisk and essences of croissants. As we walk, I can hear what sounds like an acoustic guitar playing lovely french tunes. Although, I'm positive that it's a french instrument rather than a guitar. What are those called again?

Holding Dean's hand, I momentarily watch his character while I admire him. His hair is softly brushing back from the breeze, his eyes glistening from the city lights. He catches me watching him, resulting his grin to increase.

"What?" He chuckles obliviously.

I smile. "Nothing." My hand swings his in mine. "I'm just glad you took me here tonight. Thank you."

If he hadn't taken me down to the Eiffel Tower tonight, then he would've never opened up to me. I appreciate that he did, though. I never knew about his past nor his intentions from trying to keep me distant. For once, I've actually experienced his fear. Just when I thought this man couldn't surprise me more, he proves me wrong.

He grins and turns his gaze ahead of us. We walk through a traditional village with crowded buildings and busy sidewalks. The street lights lighting up the scene is quite elegant for the mood. It's no wonder how Paris earned it's icon for romance.

I feel Dean gently tug my hand towards a small shop on our right. Obediently, I allow him to guide me into the small store.

The first thing I notice is lingerie. Then more lingerie and more lingerie. There are all kinds of styles ranging from lace to silk. The majority of the colors are black and red.

My eyes then draw towards the walls where unfamiliar tools hang. There are long strands of fabric and handcuffs that display in stocks. Beside them are blindfolds and whips.

After stopping in place, I naturally glance at Dean to see his reaction. Did he even know what we walked into?

He smirks down at me like he's developing some devious plan in his head.

I narrow my eyes at him. "Dean? What are we doing here?" My hand releases his.

"Well," He begins. "I thought we'd check out a few things here." His eyes examine the place. "Some of these I would like to see on you."

I glance at the sets of corsets and bodysuits. "You mean lingerie?" I ask as my eyes switch back to him. I've now come more at ease with the idea. Afterall, it wouldn't be the first time I've worn lingerie in front of him.

He laces his fingers onto his lower back while stepping backwards. He smirks at me. "Yes, but some other things too."

A smile slips my lips. "Other things?" I step forward so that I follow him. "What kind of other things?" I quiz.

It's easy to detect that he's hinting at me that he'd like to use some of these toys in here on me. Of course he would. It's his specialty.

His eyes gesture towards the wall as he considers exactly what he wants. I stare at the direction he's observing.

There's a display of floggers, ankle cuffs, bondage, and collars. They are all designed in black leather. Some things here, I am familiar with. Others, I'm quite sure. I've never been completely into kinky stuff, but the idea of it always seemed nice, especially recently.

While inhaling deeply, I glance back at him. He hasn't removed his eyes from the wall. I then consider if I should say what I'm about to say or not. Somehow, the words slip from my lips, "Go ahead."

He smiles at me before heading towards the wall.

Oh boy, what have I done?

Some of these toys I wouldn't mind using, others seem a bit questionable. However, I just gave him consent to buy whatever he would like to utilize on me. Hopefully, he has good taste.

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