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"What was that all about?" Dean smirks at me, a hint of a giggle slipping from his lips.

   I suck in my bottom lip as we climb into his car. Both doors shut tightly. "Nothing." I shrug.

  He chuckles as he grabs the gear shift. "You were jealous."

  I shake my head. "Nope."

  The vehicle begins rolling out of the parking lot. "Just admit already. You were jealous." He declares proudly.

  I roll my eyes. "Alright, fine. I was jealous." My eyes switch to his, a slight grin sliding to the side. "I was jealous." I repeat softly.

  Does that mean I love him? It can't. Either way, I still fear that we'll get caught.

  However, we haven't been caught directly. I think after this incident, it's obvious I'm not ready for either of us to move on, but I don't want to be with him either. It's a disaster.

"So, what does this mean?" Dean asks while watching the road. "What are we now?"

  I dip my chin. "Dean, we're not anything." I sigh.

  He glances at me with a frown. "How? Did you not get jealous back there?"

  I shake my head. "Yes, I know, but we can't be together." I glance at him. "We're like fire and gasoline."

  He nods his head slowly. "I get it. I just don't know how to feel when you're around." He swallows hard. "I can't-"

  His phone rings from his pocket. He slides it out and frowns at the screen before pressing it to his ear. "Hello?"

  I watch him quizzically. Who is he talking to? Work, maybe?

"Yes." He nods his head. "Yes. . .I understand, sir. . .Yes. . .Thank you." He clicks off and glances at me with concern.

"What is it?" I ask, regarding his distressed character.

"It was my boss. Someone reported our intimacy." He replies flatly.

* * *

  As soon as we enter his house, I pace his living room with my thumb nail in between my teeth. "This is exactly what I was afraid of."

  He walks in, shutting the door behind him.

"What's going to happen? Are you going to lose your job?" I pace around the couch. "Am I going to get kicked out of school? What are we going to do?" I stop in place. "It's hot in here. Why is it so god damn hot in here? And get me another shirt!" I pace around the couch.

  It's all over. He's going to lose his job and I'll never be able to have a career with this on my record. We're both doomed.

  I knew I should've trusted my instincts and not sleep with him. But, how could I resist? How could anyone resist? As a matter of fact, I don't regret anything.

  Still, this is horrible. I have no idea what happens next.

"Calm down." Dean gently utters. "We'll figure this out." He then adds, "Who reported us anyway? The only person who knew was Alex."

  I suck in my lips while avoiding his look, remembering that he doesn't know that I've told Aaron about us.

  He eyes me suspiciously. "Unless someone else knows. Is there? He inches towards me, like he's ready to attack.

  I swallow hard. "Well, I did mention it to Aaron." My lips suck in as I embrace myself for him to explode.

  He frowns at me. "He had no business in what we did." His voice rises.

"I know." I panic, trying to find a way to calm him down. "I tried to hide it, but he got it out of me."

  He glares at me with his nostrils flaring.

"You don't think that Aaron did this, do you?" I raise an eyebrow as I courageously step closer to my predator. "It could've been Alex."

  He shakes his head. "You do realize how protective he is of you, right? He had to have reported us, thinking that he was being a good friend. Instead, he's being a nosy asshole."

"Hey!" I stop him. "Don't just assume he would do that. He really is a good friend, I know he wouldn't do that. It had to have been Alex. Afterall, she did try to kill me." I clench my nails into my palm.

  He's attacking Aaron for no reason again, just when I thought that they were okay.

"Why are you defending him?" He glares at me.

  I huff. "Because you're pointing fingers at the wrong person, you ignorant asshole!" I snap just as I realize that I've never called him anything like that before. I've not once insulted him so unmannerly ever. I already feel awful.

  He watches me silently for a moment, observing my softening expression. It's as if there's an unspoken message in the thick air between us, like as if I've just crossed the line.

  I bow my head after examining his hurt character. "I didn't mean that." I declare gently.

"Yes, you did, otherwise you wouldn't have said it." He turns his back to walk into the kitchen.

  I follow him. "I just don't want you to think that Aaron is the problem here."

  He faces me with a glass in his hand.

Great, I've pushed him to drink.

"Don't you see, he's always been the problem. He's the one that pushed you away from me." He snarls.

  I twist my face at him. "He never did that. He's not done anything wrong."

  He shakes his head at the ground. "I get it now." His hand pours clear liquor into the glass from a bottle.

  I tilt my head suspiciously.

"I understand what you mean about how we can't be together. We're on opposite sides, we fight, we're up and down." He sets the bottle on the counter. "Maybe you're right. Maybe we'll never work. Ever."

  I huff. "I didn't say never." I pause and add, "Why? Is that what you want now?" My voice is more gentle now.

  He sips his drink. "I think it's what we both want."

* * *

  Why did I kiss him this morning? Was I really jealous? Maybe I want to be jealous, like I want us to work. Do I want us to work?

  If that was true, then I would know that I love him. If we were meant to be, I wouldn't have to ask myself so much questions or wonder if I even want to be with him. We wouldn't be up and down; we would just click.

"Rosie?" Aaron snaps and smiles. "You still here?"

  I grin and nod from my bed. "Yes, sorry. Ever since this whole reporting thing, I've had a lot on my mind."

   I begin to consider what Dean mentioned earlier. It's obvious that Alex reported us, but he had made a good point. Afterall, Aaron never approved of our relationship, it could be true that he did report us.

  I suck in my lips. "It. . .wasn't you that reported us, right?"

  He frowns. "Why would you say that? What makes you think I would?"

  I immediately regret asking him now.

"Well, it's just that you never did like the fact that I was with him.  I thought you were just trying to protect me." I shake my head. "Just forget everything-"

"No." He snaps while rising from Julie's bed. "I've told you that I'm your friend. Reporting you only would have got you in trouble. I don't want that for you." He sighs. "I got to go." He strides towards the door.

"Aaron, wait." I plead while standing.

"I've heard enough." He mutters before shutting the door.

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