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My eyes have adjusted to the darkness now. I'm able to slightly see his sculpted face. He watches me while I watch him.

I don't know if sleeping in here made it any better for my case. I'm so tempted to straddle him and bite his lip. My breathing becomes heavier now, causing me to bite my lip.

"It may be dark, Miss White, but I can see you biting your lip." He mumbles.

"Do something about it." I challenge softly.

Without hesitation, he throws his arm over me until his elbow rests by my bicep. His sage essence becomes stronger with him just inches above me. He then pushes his lips into mine, kissing my bottom lip first.

Oh, this is not what I was expecting, but I am so not disappointed.

I kiss him back harder, squirming beneath him for more. His hand slowly treads down my side until he finds the hem of my shirt. He slides it up my body. I allow him to by thrusting my hips up. He sits up as he breathlessly strips it off of me. I am now only left in my underwear.

Watching me, he grabs the back of his collar and pulls his white shirt off of him. Now he is left in sweats that hang loosely off his hips. His abs are sculpted into a six pack under his tan skin.

He is so hot.

He sinks his head slowly until his lips meet my neck. His lips press into my skin softly, kissing me repeatedly. I sigh and tilt my head back for his access.

My left hand runs through his hair while my other hand grips his shoulder. He crawls down my body very slowly, his lips inches above my chest.

In between my hips cramp up, wanting him inside me now.

He plants a kiss on my chest. He plants another one on my left breast, then on my right. He sucks my hard nipple, his tongue explore my skin. I tilt my head back and inhale deeply. The cramping has now become a torture to my body. I claw his bare back, feeling his skin tight against his back muscles.

His lips move down my abdomen one by one until he stops just above my waist line. His hands grip my thighs, pushing them open for his access.

The cramping is now painful. He is slowly torturing me, but it feels so good.

His thumbs slide up my hips and under my panties. He slides them off slowly until they're off of me. He tosses them onto the floor and cups my hips. His eyes glance at mine as he declares, "You're so damn beautiful."

I blush while watching him.

"You deserve this." He mutters while staring down at my hips. I don't think he knew that I heard him, but I'm glad I did. The cramping becomes more of a strong tickle.

He presses his lips into me. His tongue thrusts into me, moving in and out, right and left.

"Oh!" I whimper while tilting my head back. I am panting now as I grip the bed sheets.

Oh dear God.

His hands grip my hips harder now. His tongue pulses in me delightfully until I am built up.

My hand cups the back of his head and grips his shaggy hair. I gently push him more into me.

I've never experienced an orgasm before, but I think it's about to happen. The build up becomes stronger.

"Dean!" I yelp while pushing my head all the way back.

His tongue moves faster. I begin to lift my hips slightly, only for him to push them back down harder against the bed. I attempt to move them again, but his force is too strong.

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