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I awaken to a sage fragrance and dim sunlight. Opening my eyes, I notice Dean next to me. He sleeps soundlessly with no shirt under the covers. His back faces me as he lays on his side. My eyes widen as I gasp, recalling the night.

This has to stop. If we are caught, we will have to face the consequences. I'd hate to be the one to cause him to lose his job.

Slowly, I crawl out of bed, trying hard not to wake him. I spot half of my clothes on the floor. I then realize that my shirt was left at the party.

Man, I really liked that top.

I grab my skirt just as I hear Dean behind me declaring, "Leaving already?"

I stop in my tracks and freeze before turning on my heel to face him. "Uh, yeah. I should get back before Julie worries." I anxiously reply.

He sits up more and watches me for a moment. He then claims, "I know what you're thinking."

I glance down at my feet to avoid eye contact.

He contiues. "You want to stop this because you're afraid."

"We're going to get caught. I can't risk that. You know you'll lose your job." I pout.

He sighs. "I know, but how will they find out? No one will know, Rosie."

I think about it for a moment. He's right. How will anyone find out if we're behind locked doors? I frown, disregarding my debating thoughts. "Secrets always find a way out." I slip on my skirt.

"Not ours." His low voice argues. "We can make this work and no one will know. It'll be our dirty little secret."

I stand in place as I close my eyes with a sigh.

It does sound fun.

I can't. I just can't stand the thought of ruining both of our careers.

"Dean, please." I tilt my head and spot the shirt he let me borrow on the floor. "I really don't want to argue about this. I'm saying no and that this was a one time thing." I grab the shirt and slide it over my head.

"Have it your way, Miss White." He stares at me intimidatingly. "But soon, you'll realize that this isn't what you want."

I swallow hard. "What is it that you think I want?" I ask softly.


* * *

I'm glad to have the weekend here already. Yesterday was longer than it should've been. It was a day full of bad decisions. Every one of them.

I enter my dorm room to see Julie on her bed with headphones on. She spots me and smiles while removing her headphones. "Hey! Where were you all night?" Her eyes lower to my chest as her smile falls. "And what are you wearing?" She then gasps and adds, "No!" She giggles.

My face begins to heat up. This is so embaressing. I feel so childish and immature.

Her smile is wide. "Who was the lucky guy?"

I set down my keys on the dresser as I sigh. "No one."

"Hey, no need to feel ashamed." She smirks.

"Trust me, I should feel ashamed." I shake my head as I sit on the edge of my bed to face her.

She tilts her head. "Why? Do you not like him? Were you drunk?" Her voice becomes more concerned.

I shake my head. "No. That's the problem, I was sober. And I think I do like him." I run my fingers through my hair.

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