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I freeze in place, wondering what I should say first.

"Mom?" I repeat because it's all I can say right now. There are too many questions jumbling all around in my head. Which do I say first?

"Surprise!" She cheers as my dad pops out from the corner. He smiles at me.

"Hello, sweetie." He greets joyfully.


I swallow hard while forcing a smile. "What-what are you guys doing here?"

"Well, you said you couldn't make time to visit us for Thanksgiving so we're visiting you." My mother smiles while lacing her hands before her.

"How did you get in?" I gulp again while still trying to process what is currently happening. I'm still wondering if they caught us kissing or not.

"With the spare key you gave us. Remember? You said you wanted it in a safe place in case you lost yours." She explains with a sweet smile.

I nod slowly. If I would have known that I was going to be fucking my professor sooner, I wouldn't have left the key with them.

"Who's your friend?" She smiles while looking at Dean.

Dean glances at me frantically. I know what he's thinking. He's wondering if my parents saw us eating each other's faces off too. From the look of things, I would assume no.

"He's-uh. . .He's my math professor. Professor Collins." I introduce while scratching the back of my head.

They're going to wonder why he's in my dorm room. Hopefully they won't get any particular ideas.

Quickly, I add, "He was going to help me with some math." My eyes draw up to his. He watches my parents.

"Oh, how nice of him." Her cheeks push up. "I know that Rosie has been working really hard and making sure she gets good grades. I'm glad that you've been such a good help." She tells Dean like she's ready to hug him.

He nods and forces an awkward grin. "Anything for my students." He steps back nonchalantly and slowly adds, "I should go and let you guys reunite." He then turns and opens the door without speech.

After he leaves, my mother smiles again at me. "What a lovely man."

I nod. "Yep. He's lovely, alright." I agree while flashes of his naked, hard body above mine appear in my head. Real lovely.

I lace my fingers behind me while walking closer to my parents.

They both seem to be fine about Dean, like as if they really believe he was here to tutor me. I feel awful for lying, but if they knew, I would be in a lot of trouble.

Obviously, with them around, Dean and I won't be able to have sex, which leads me to my next question. "How long are you guys staying?"

"Just for the week. You are aware that Thanksgiving is this Thursday, right?" She tilts her head.

Four days. They'll be here for four days.

That gives me four days without having sex with Dean. We already went the weekend without doing it, now we have another four days. I sigh.

"Of course I'm aware of that." I smile. "I'm glad you guys are here. . .unannounced."

"We're happy to see you too, sweetie." She wraps her arm around my father's waist.

"Fortunately for you guys, I don't have class at all this week." I smile. "So we can do whatever you guys want."

"I'm fine with whatever you want to do." My mother admits with a shrug. "Your father and I are just happy to see you."

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