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What did he just say?

"It's fine, I can just go back to my dorm. I don't think Julie is back though." I scratch the back of my head.

"I know you drank alcohol, I can smell it on you. I would just feel better knowing that you're safe. Please don't argue with me on this." He sighs. He looks so tired and exhausted.

I glance at the time on the radio. I can't believe it's two in the fucking morning. And I called him. This early.

Afterall, I would feel better not being alone in my dorm until Julie returns. Even then, she'll be out by the time she gets back, if she isn't back already.

I sigh. "I appreciate it."

I think I need some time away from college students tonight.

He glances at me and grins to the side.

* * *

His house is huge. I wasn't expecting it to be so large. It's neatly furnished with light and dark brown colors, matching the tan tile. I am completely in awe.

The living room has a wall that is made of glass, exposing an in ground pool with an attached deck. There are plants decorated in several spots and there are stones instead of grass for a yard.

Inside, the couch is under a balcony. Yes, there is a balcony indoors. It stretches all the way out to the large kitchen as a ceiling for it. On the other end of the balcony, is another glass wall. Inside is what appears to be another room.

I admire the long, brown sofa. It's placed behind a dark chocolate coffee table that has a plant sitting on it. There are two dark brown recliners that create a 90 degree angle from the sofa, facing the glass wall.

"Like the place?" He asks while reaching down towards the coffee table for a remote.

I immediatly reply, "Yes!" I watch him point the small, silver remote at the glass wall. It darkens to a deep tint, making it appear as if it were a black wall. "Definitely." I smile, pulling the jacket tighter across my chest.

He smiles back at me. "I'm glad you like it." He then gestures his head for me to follow him.

As we tread up the spiral staircase, I ask, "You live here alone?"

He turns his head to his shoulder to reply, "Yes. I've lived here for quite a few years now."

He's not married.

"Wow." It's all I can manage to say.

We walk inside a large, white room. Towards the center of the wall has a king-size bed against it, the head part against the wall, made with white, silk sheets. To the right has a large window with swaying, white curtains that reach the white carpet. Against the window is a small glass table with a lamp on it. This house is so beautiful.

I watch him walk over to the dark brown dresser beside the bed. He opens the second drawer and pulls out a white T-shirt. His long legs stride towards me. He holds onto the folded shirt while saying, "You can wear this. I'm sure the jacket would be uncomfortable." He jokes with a grin.

I stare down at the shirt with a grin. Our eyes meet and I can feel my heart throbbing.

What is it with this amazing man?

He watches me for a second, distracted from his train of thought. He glances at the floor and utters, "You can sleep in the guest room tonight. I'll show you where." He adds, walking out. I follow him down the long hall and hang a right.

Inside the room has cream-colored walls, furnished with dark brown wood. The wooden floors has a large, white mat half way under the bed. Against the wall has a dresser with a mirror attached to it. Across from it, where the bed is at, has french doors that leads to a balcony.

I doubt that I will hate it here.

"Thank you." I thank again with a grin. "You didn't have to do any of this, but you did. I'm just so grateful." I relax my eyes, sleep getting a hold of me. I yawn while my fingers slowly release the jacket.

Dean catches the jacket in time before it can slip off my shoulders. He keeps his hands against my shoulders to support the jacket, the folded shirt between his thumb and me. Then he suggests, "You need some rest. I'll leave so you can change." He slowly releases me and places the shirt on the dresser.

I grip the hems again and nod my head gradually.

He grins and utters, "Goodnight, Miss white." He leaves the room, shutting the door behind him tightly.

He is so amazing for doing this. I wasn't expecting him to do anything but give a ride, but he went above and beyond. How can one man be so generous?

I yawn as I slip out of the jacket. It falls to the floor behind my heels. I fetch myself the white T-shirt and pull it over my head. It strongly essences of sage. It smells so lovely. The shirt is like a dress on me. It hangs down just above my knees. The sleeves are almost to my elbows and the collar hangs loosely on my chest. I'm even tinier in this.

I then pull my skirt down and step out of it.

Grabbing the jacket from the floor, I fold it in half and place it on the dresser.

I shut the light off before climbing in bed. After my eyes close, flashes of the large man immediately appears in my mind. His satisfied smile grows.

I gasp while sitting up.

How am I suppose to sleep?

I lay back down with a sigh. Think of something else. Think about art and painting. I imagine painting on a blank canvas. I can see a pink mermaid on it and my professor complementing it. Another flash of the three guys clawing at me returns. Their hands have dark scales and grow bird-like nails. I can almost feel them scracthing my flesh.

"No!" I sit up quickly before sighing.

I can't believe I'm allowing this to get to me. I'm safe and sound here. I should feel fine. It's not enough, I guess. I still feel alone and scared.

Sitting up, I stare at the white door. My eyes have adjusted enough to make it out.

Don't do it. Don't do it. You would be so childish.

I think about it for a moment. He's done so much for me. Wouldn't I be pushing it?

Ignoring my conscious, I climb out of bed and make way to the door, my feet cold from the wood.

Walking down the hallway, I can spot his door from the minimum lighting in the house. It's only a soft glow in here.

My hand grabs the handle softly and turns it to the right.

It's dark in here. I spot his bed and bite my lip.

Should I turn back?

"Miss White?" His low voice questions as he sits up, propping himself on his elbows behind him.

It's too late to turn back.

I remain still, watching his dark figure lay in bed. I begin to search for words to say.

"Come." His low voice demands.

I step towards the opposite side of his bed and gently climb in.

"I got scared." I whisper to him when I lay on my side, supporting my head with my hands.

"Don't be. You're with me now." He mutters while pushing himself closer to me. "Don't be afraid no more."

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