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I didn't mean to make him mad. I shouldn't have allowed Dean to get into my head like that. It was obviously Alex who reported us. I must apologize to him. First, I have to deal with Dean's boss first.

"Ready?" Dean asks as I step out of my dorm. His face reads that he's prepared and fearless for this meeting, but I read more from his body language. His palms keep wiping sweat off onto his pants, he shakes his leg while standing in place, and he won't stop rubbing his the back of his neck.

Poor Dean. This is all my fault. I never meant for this to happen. As a matter of fact, this was the one thing I kept trying hard to prevent. Now, Dean has a chance of losing his job, all thanks to me.

"I just want this done." I push past him towards the hall.

Last time we saw each other, he might have hinted about his loss of interest in me. I want him to move on, for at least, that's what I've been telling himself. I've convinced myself that I have moved on. . .I think I have. The problem with me is that I never know what I want. I can't make up my mind to save my life. Originally, I didn't want to be with him because I didn't want us caught, now that I don't have to worry about that anymore, does it mean I feel more tempted to be with him? Maybe I do. Maybe the only thing keeping me from him was because of this, maybe that was the reason why we argued a lot.

I glance up at Dean after we step into the elevator. He keeps his gaze straight ahead with his arms folded in front of him. How can he keep himself so calm in a situation like this. He must be screaming on the inside.

I wish I knew what he's thinking and what he is feeling. Maybe now isn't the time to reunite our affection, but I do want to know. If he does still love me, then does that mean I want him back? Surely, he wouldn't want to get back with me. I might have just caused him his job. He would hate me.

The elevator stops on the tenth floor. Straight down the hall is where his boss' office is at.

As we walk, I sigh, thinking about what profession Dean will do now. I glance up at him and softly utter, "I'm sorry."

"Don't blame yourself." His low, gentle voice declares as he stares straight ahead. "I can be pretty tempting."

I smile at the ground. Only Dean can make me laugh at a time like this. Although, he isn't wrong. I only gave into him because he really was tempting.

We stop at the door to see Aaron guarding the outside. He's fully dressed in a suit with a wire in his ear.

"I didn't mean what I-" I begin before he stops me.

"Don't keep him waiting." He avoids eye contact with me with his cold stare ahead of him.

My chest thickens as I watch him. He's still mad at me. He has every reason to. I was wrong to accuse him of what I did.

Dean's hand places on my lower back. "Let's go." He shoots Aaron a glare.

Once we are inside, a large man sits at his desk. He has a round body, kind of like an apple. I also notice his lack of white hair on his bald head.

He nods at us both and pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "Welcome." His raspy voice greets.

My heart rate increases with my nerves tingling in my legs. This is it. This is the moment I lose everything and Dean loses his job. Currently, I silently pray for the best.

Maybe Dean will just get a warning. Maybe we both will just get let off easy and we both can go home.

Dean's hand rubs my back as he whispers between us, "We're okay." It's as if he can read my thoughts.

Dean's boss, who's metallic bar reads 'Robert' on his desk, gestures his hand to the two red seats in front of him.

We sit down and embrace ourselves for what comes next.

"Alex claims that you two have been intimate lately. Is this true?" He raises an eyebrow as his hands fold on top of his desk, suggesting his professional manner.

Dean nods. "Yes, sir."

Robert leans forward. "And this has been going on for. . .a week? Maybe two?"

I hang my head down while shutting my eyes. He's not going to want to hear this.

Dean presses his lips together tightly. "We have been intimate for about four months, sir."

I'm already humiliated. I feel like a sixteen year old getting shamed by her parents for having sex.

He raises his eyebrows as he leans back. "I see." He then raises a finger as his other hand fetches his phone.

Who's he calling? Hopefully someone who will side with us.

He waits for a moment after the phone is pressed to his ear. "Derek, it's Robert. We have a professor and his student who have been. . .er. . .rather close lately." He eyes both of us peculiarly.

I rub my hand against my face to wipe off this humiliation, wanting to just disappear or to hide in a dark corner. I wish this was a dream.

"Yes. . .yes. . . Four months. . .yes. . .alright. . .I definitely will. . .alright, I'll tell them. Thank you for your time." Robert places the telephone back into its place. "You and miss White have broken our regulations here on campus." He begins.

I suck in my lips as I grip the arm rests.

"Due to this behavior, I'm afraid we're going to have to let you go, Mr. Collins." He exhales while placing his hands back on his desk.

I gasp as I glance at Dean to check his reaction to this. He remains still and expressionless, like his dog died.

Robert adds, "We don't want to influence this kind of behavior here on campus. It's just for the best."

I swallow hard while watching Dean, waiting for him to fight back.

This can't be happening. No, he can't lose his job.

"I understand, sir." Dean nods his head, his jaw presses tightly together.

"As for you, miss White." He glances at me. "We're transferring you to another math class." His eyes draw towards his computer screen. He squints at it and mutters, "To Mr. Johnson."

That's it? I get transferred while Dean gets fired?

I huff, furious that he didn't defend himself. My palms place onto the wooden arm rests, prepared to push me out of my seat. "No, you can't fire him!" The words slip from my mouth.

Robert tilts his head with his green eyes narrowed. "Pardon?"

"Don't fire him." My voice is high and soft, like a Disney princess ready to cry. "I should be the one removed from here while Dea-Mr. Collins keeps his job."

"Is that what you want?" His eyebrows raise.

"Of course not." I shake my head. "But I deserve it. This isn't his fault."

"Rosie." Dean mumbles. "Enough."

Why is he shushing me? He's going to lose his job if he doesn't defend himself.

Disregarding him, I lean forward in my seat. "Don't fire him. He's a great professor, he doesn't deserve this. You should-"

"I said enough, Rosie." He shoots a threatening glare at me, his eyes wide and his jaw pushed forward.

Sighing, I lower my gaze, surrendering to the situation. Although it is not fair, I can't argue my way out of this.

Robert turns his head towards Dean. "You can collect your stuff between today and tomorrow. After that, I don't expect to see you anymore."

I swallow hard, almost ready to cry. This is my fault. This is all my fault.

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