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I inhale deeply while opening my eyes to the bright morning. Dean lays beside me on his side so that his arm rests on top of my breasts.

For a few seconds, the unfamiliar room allows me to question where I'm located. I then remember that I'm in a hotel room with Dean. Actually, I had intentions of returning back to my room rather than spending the night. I hope my roommate doesn't notice that I'm gone.

I watch Dean soundlessly sleep. He breathes slowly from his nose. His hair is scrambled and fuzzy. How is this man so beautiful?

Closing my eyes, I grin with an exhale. He's all mine. How could I ever be mad at him for long?

My eyes pop open as I remember that we're suppose to be going to see the Eiffel tower this morning at seven.

Quickly, I fetch Dean's phone on the night table beside me to check the time.

Oh fuck! It's eight thirty AM!

I gently shake Dean after sitting up. "Dean." I shake him more by his shoulder.

He slowly opens his eyes until they meet mine. He hazly grins wide at me while squinting from the morning light.

"Dean, it's eight o'clock." I inform anxiously.

He blinks tightly once and tilts his head. "Huh?"

"It's eight!" I repeat. "We're suppose to be at the Eiffel tower right now." My thumb nail meets in between my teeth.

He sits up quickly while hissing, "Shit!"

"What do we do? Do we take a cab there?" I suggest.

He shakes his head. "No, we can't catch up with them. It'll be suspicious that we both arrived late together. We just have to find a reasonable excuse when they return."

I nod my head slowly while processing the plan. "What do we tell them? My roommate must know by now that I didn't come back. She knows that I was with you last." I stress while placing my feet onto the carpet.

"We can tell them that you left somewhere." He walks around his bed so that he faces me. He hands me his T-shirt.

I grab it and slip it over my head. "But where could have I went that I was gone all night?" I rise and begin to pace the room.

He stops in front of the bathroom. "Just say that you were visiting a cousin here." He shrugs while sliding his sweats on.

I suck in my lips as I consider his suggestion. "I guess. What about you?"

"Slept in." He grins while backing into the bathroom.

Technically, he wouldn't be lying.

I join him in the bathroom.

"We'll just have to stay here until they return. We don't want to take the risk of them discovering us." He explains while leaning against the counter.

I nod my head in agreement. He's right. The best thing for us is to stay here. We'll talk it out with them once they've returned.

He stares down my sides with an angry expression. He then leans forward so that he can grab my wrist.

He holds my wrist up to exam it. He frowns at it.

I realize that my wrist is bruised purple and green. My eyes switch to my other one and recognize the same pattern on it too.

He looks at me with his jaw clenched.

"Dean, it's fine." I gently convince before he can say anything.

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